I agree with the cat tree suggestion. Sounds like they could all use a little more space. Cats are very territorial, and vertical space will help with that. I just made a cat perch specifically for my 11 yr. old who is having a hard time tolerating 2 younger cats. I got a free plan online, took a couple days to make it, from this website . He wouldn't use it but the 2 others did and it kept them out of his space. I have also recently tried Rescue Remedy in his water bowl -- 4 drops -- I really can't be sure if it helped him or not, but he has seemed to be less stressed. Lots of people recommend it. Also, I just bought some feliway to try. With all that tension spraying is a huge concern. I keep my one felv+ in my bathroom where she feels very safe and secure. It is a large room and she seems very happy in there -- I don't mix (yet, still afraid too). Just find her her 'own' place -- I would be very concerned about Annie's stress. There is a very good book written by a cat behavorist concerning territorial issues and introducing cats the right way so that they have a better chance of getting along. I can't remember what the name of it is, but my library had it and I think her last name was Johnson --very good book! She has written 2 books on cat behavior. I have had cats all my life and learned a lot from it. I can really relate to your problems. As for the litter box, i would get a high walled litter box, and of course, clean often. I use feline pine cat litter (pellets) and I just love it! The pellets turn to sawdust when they get wet and the sawdust gets sifted to the bottom of the 'special' litter box -- you have to buy a specific box for this litter (online), but it saves me so much time with maintaining it. And there is NO urine odor -- to me it is amazing! Any change in litter, of course, should be done gradually. Good luck!
Tracey in IN
----- Original Message ----- From: "catatonya" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2008 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] felv pos, neg and 2 alpha females

They're expensive, but high cat trees make the vulnerable cats feel more safe. I've been there. Right now we're at an almost neutral mix........ ugh.
 tonya wrote:
i have 1 pos (Annie who is an alpha type), Homey wo is felv neg, and 2 new girls Homey 2 and Casey who are both neg. big problem is that Casey is also an alpha so Annie is now experiencing some of the bullying that she has been visiting on Homey. Homey is now #3 in pecking order and poor Homey 2 is at the bottom of the order. she is so terrified that she runs when she hears any noise and spends most of her time hidden under the bed, behind the computer desk or in some unknown hiding place i haven't found yet. i am afraid that the additional stress will hurt Annie (pos) and leave both Homeys a basket case. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS? Annie is now on the run from Casey and only feels secure on my lap. Homey only feels safe on my lap. i spend a lot of time sitting and being a security blanket. little Homey 2 doesn't feel safe anywhere. also, Casey and Homey 2 came from 1 yr in shelter where apparently boxes were not cleaned too often and Casey has developed a bad habit of kicking all soiled litter out of box and then using the box. any ideas on this subject? dorlis

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