My Positive blind girl is sick, I have had her for just a year now and this is 
the first time she's been ill.  I had my neighbor take her to my vet yesterday 
and she had a fever of 104.9, she's also not eating much and VERY lethargic.  
I'm very worried.  
I adopted Laura (she was named after me by my vets staff, long story) because 
she was living at the vets, was blind and being tormented by another cat.  I 
had her tested when I brought her home and found out she was pos, she came from 
a colony that had alot of pos's, so I think she'd been pos since a kitten, just 
didn't show on her first snap test.  Anyway, at that time we found out the cat 
that was bullying her was also pos, he recently passed away.
Laura will be three next month, I've read that many kitties don't live more 
than 2-3 years after diagnosis.. Vet drew blood yesterday so today we should 
get those results back...please keep a good thought it's not something dire.

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