> Hi all.  I have been following this group reguarly since two of my cats got
> diagnosed with FeLV in January.  I currently have 3...the youngest being a
> year old.  When I got him, he had persistant URI's and we treated him with a
> number of different antibiotics.  During this time, he had diarrhea fairly
> regularly but we didn't think anything of it b/c of the meds.  Since he has
> been off meds, he still has diarrhea and a leaky bum.  I have him on a rice
> and chicken diet right now and just got some bene-bac.  My question is how
> often I should give him the bene-bac and what dosages have worked.  He only
> weighs about 8 pounds.  The directions on the tube aren't really that useful
> and I know a lot of people in this group use it.  Thanks in advance!
> Carol
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