Hi, Ellie, and welcome --

I guess the thing is that having a mommy away that much isn't good for any
animal. Even though cats are self-sufficient, they still need companionship,
especially if they are the only pet. I would worry about that a little.
Also, since your sister hasn't taken her to the vet on her own, I am
wondering if she would take her conscientiously once she's in New York with
her busy schedule. You have to keep on top of everything with an FeLV+ cat,
and would your sib even notice if Brie wasn't feeling well? Also, like
everything else, vet care in New York is expensive, and your sis would have
to find a vet right off the bat who is enlightened about FeLV. 

Of course, the same criteria would hold if Brie stayed with you. But if you
are willing to do this for her, and can afford the good food and busier vet
schedule she MAY need (light positive but no symptoms -- good so far) on the
face of it I'd say she'd be better off with you, and bless you for wanting

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Ellie Foster
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 1:35 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: [Felvtalk] New Here w/Questions


Im new here, my name is Ellie.

I joined because my "niece" kitty, Brie, is one year old and was diagnosed
with FeLV about a month ago with a faint positive result (she is supposed to
be retested in 2 months).

My question is - my sibling is planning a move across quite a few states
(USA), about 12-14 hours travelling by car, to New York City. Her job will
keep her very occupied, literally up to 20 hours a day!! (I couldnt do it

No one knew Brie was + until last month because my sister never took her to
the vets after finding her outside, alone, at about 4 weeks old. So, I
finally convinced my sis to let me take Brie in to be spayed, vaccinated,
tested - and, that is when we got the diagnosis.

Just wondering, vet said that stress on kitty is *bad* - is this type of
fairly long-distance move something that qualifies as stressful? (will ask
the vet of course too!)

Has anyone used lysine supplements in an FeLV kitty?

Will my sister encounter any problems in trying to rent an apartment with an
FeLV+ cat?

I ask because I can easily give Brie a home; I have no other kitties
(anymore - both of my elderly (16 &19) baby boy cats passed on early this
year, one of CRF, the other of a sudden massive stroke, within 2 months of
each other). And if I can help Brie live a longer, happy life, I would be
incredibly glad to do so.

Brie knows my house, my family, has stayed with us up to 3 weeks in the past
when my sister has been out of town on business.

And I love the little baby Brie anyway! Just want her to live the best life
possible, and am debating offering - again - to let kitty live with me.

Thank you so much for your help & info!

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