
In the interest of self-disclosure, you should mention that the company you 
work for, Tower Laboratories, pushes Linus Pauling products and Vitamin C 

You yourself wrote a book on Vitamin C therapy for heart disease and the 
Pauling therapy.

Its your job to push Vitamin C therapy.

Can you provide references for any scientific study in the last 10 years on 
Vitamin C curing FeLV, FIP, stomatis or what have you in cats?  Anything 
published in refereed veterinary medicine journals?  I did a Google search 
looking for anything on Vitamin C and FeLV, and was not able to come up with 

Anecdotal reports (by you) of Vitamin C therapy "curing" a cat of a fatal 
disease are one thing, and could well be true.  But it remains hearsay and 
anecdotal until there is a formal scientific study proving the point.  I think 
it is unfair of you to get the hopes up of people desperate to save the lives 
of their beloved pets by pushing Vitamin C therapy as proven fact for a 
relatively cheap cure, when there is nothing in the scientific literature 
supporting your claims.

If you pose it as experimental, with anecdotal stories of its effectiveness, 
that may or may not help/save people's animals, then people can go in a bit 
more informed that maybe it might work - but maybe it won't.  And be prepared 
if it won't.

You will probably call me all sorts of names, and proclaim I am part of the 
evil scientific system that aims to squash research into simple cures with no 
money for big business.  Fine.  But give me some proof, otherwise you are just 
selling snake oil and preying on people's love of their pets.

Here's one for you: why don't you talk your company, Tower Laboratories into 
footing the bill for a scientific study on the curative powers of Vitamin C?  
Pick any feline fatal disease, they could all use an effective cure.  Put out a 
call for sick animals, say ones with veterinary diagnosed FeLV, have standards 
for what exactly diagnoses FeLV.  Then set up a dosing protocol, have weekly 
reportings about the subject cats, get diagnostic blood work once a month or 
so, keep records, make charts, and publish in a reputable veterinary medicine 
journal.  If your company is so sure this is a cure for everything that ails 
you, let them put up the money to prove it.  By the way, why isn't Tower Labs 
running scientific studies to prove their claims?

I would love it if something simple like Vitamin C therapy would cure FeLV 
cats.  I have a friend whose favorite cat is dying from that horrible disease 
right now.  She isn't wealthy and like a lot of people could use a cheap cure 
for her beloved pet.  But right now I don't see anything that convinces me 
Vitamin C therapy works any better than anything else out there.


> Message: 12
> Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 23:24:26 -0500
> From: "S. Jewell" <>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] stomatitis
> To: <>
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain;   
> charset="US-ASCII"
> Don't be afraid to push the cat to bowel tolerance if
> giving
> vitamin C orally.  The best type of vitamin C for
> pushing to
> bowel tolerance would be a pure sodium ascorbate powder
> (no
> other vitamins) mixed into the cat's wet food with liver
> powder to help flavor it.  Increase the amount daily
> until
> the cat has loose stool, then back down and try again
> until
> the cat consistently has diarrhea at a certain level. 
> Just
> below that level would be bowel tolerance.  
> For those of you who may be concerned about all the
> negative
> propaganda surrounding the use of high levels of vitamin
> C,
> don't be.  It is completely and totally benign and
> nontoxic
> at any level and will not harm your cat.  Cats (and
> dogs)
> make only 40 mg per kilogram of body weight per day,
> whereas
> a mouse makes 275.  Based on this it is easy to see
> why cats
> and dogs succumb to so much viral disease, infection and
> cancer and other animals do not.  The difference in
> the
> amount they make is likely due to the high level of
> domestication of cats and dogs compared to their wild
> ancestors and also the poor quality of food that they are
> reduced to eating.  
> Remember to try to spread the dosing out to a couple of
> times a day, as animals usually make vitamin C 24/7 in the
> liver.  Again, do not be afraid to give your cat
> vitamin C
> to bowel tolerance, for you will see the most benefit and
> healing at the highest possible dosing.  Intravenous
> is
> best, followed by subcutaneous or intramuscular
> injections,
> followed by oral.  The Injections sting a little and
> the
> cats are not crazy about them but faster healing will be
> seen with this administration over the oral dosing.
> However, however you can get it into the cat, the key is
> using enough, starting immediately, and being
> consistent.  
> Sally Snyder Jewell
> Tower Laboratories Corporation


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