Here is what I wrote to this address:

Dear Editor:

The article about Feline Leukemia Virus by Virginia Clemans is inconsistent
with my experience and, I believe, does a great injustice to cats diagnosed
with this virus. Certainly not all cats diagnosed with FeLV have the health
issues Clemans reports. I lived with two cats who were diagnosed with feline
leukemia after I adopted them. Stripes lived to age 16 years. Squeaky lived
to age 22 years. They were robust boy cats who lived together for 15 years.
They weighed 15-16 lbs. People always commented about what big boys they
were. They were playful and fully engaged in life. 

Stripes had an occasional undiagnosed illness that always resolved. Squeaky
was never sick a day in his life until his final three weeks. Squeaky died
from oral cancer. We did not determine Stripes' cause of death. My vets did
not treat these cats any differently than other cats I have had. There was
no alarm sounded when their tests came back positive. The information was
given to me as part of a routine exam. I had no idea anyone thought this was
a big deal. Certainly my vets did not think so.

I rescued two other cats who tested positive for FeLV. Ollie lived to an old
age, asymptomatic except for some dental issues at the time he was rescued.
Bella is still alive. She is a 13 lb ball of love. She was rescued 3 years
ago and was an adult cat at that time. She was anemic and had a high fever
when rescued but these situations quickly resolved with medication treatment
by an internal medicine specialist. 

Feline Leukemia does not have to be a death sentence. The kitties who test
positive should be retested as there can be false positives (and false
negatives). Their owners can find information and support groups on the
internet (yahoo offers several groups for FeLV cat owners). In this group
format they can talk to other people who live or have lived with cats with
FeLV. They can get questions answered. They can learn about feeding a
quality food, keeping stress to a minimum and various supplements and
treatments in the event of illness. Not all the cats who test positive will
be as lucky as those I mentioned here, but there is another side to this
disease and there are many cats who survive and thrive with this disease. 

Laurie Crawford Stone
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Laurieskatz
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Article at Bestfriends

We should send testimonials.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Gloria B. Lane
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Article at Bestfriends

That's pretty sad isn't it....I'm disappointed in BestFriends.

On Jan 26, 2010, at 3:04 PM, Gary wrote:

> I wonder if the author of the article has ever actually gone to  
> their FeLV unit and looked at the cats?  I certainly hope they don't  
> look like the article says they look, mine don't look like that and  
> they don't all get anemia and don't all get jaundiced.  The ones who  
> do get anemia may be lethargic and jaundiced, but it is not an  
> ongoing condition.  But you never know, I once asked the vet at BF  
> why they give a monthly sub-q shot of immuno regulin to all the FeLV  
> cats, figured I'd get some good info on IR. WRONG!! The vet said  
> they use it because that is what was being done when he arrived, I  
> believe he doesn't have a clue.
> Gary
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Gloria B. Lane" < 
> >
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 2:36 PM
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Article at Bestfriends
>> I just saw an article at which I was surprised and  
>> disappointed about:
>> The author includes "What happens to a cat who has contracted the  
>> virus?"
>> and says "The virus adversely affects the cat's bone marrow and  
>> immune system. An infected cat becomes anemic and is unable to
>> fight off even routine infections. Cats with feline leukemia are  
>> commonly jaundiced and lethargic, and they experience weight
>> loss, enlarged lymph nodes, and poor stamina."
>> It sounds like an FELV cat is going to die immediately after  
>> getting the virus.  So I can see folks reading that article and then
>> euthing their FELV kitties, thinking they're doing them a favor.  
>> The 5 FELV cats that I have now haven't seen any sickness since
>> I've had them.
>> Gloria
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