i just checked the link and it worked, so you might want to try
again--site could have been down. but you CAN search from the main

the saddest part is that the literature IS out there, so it's not that
the veterinary profession doesn't have access to it; it seems that too
many just go with the easy answer, tho it's been many years since,
'kill all positives," was ever the professional response. the good
thing is that, because of people who wouldn't take, "kill," as an
answer, research has stepped up again in the past few years. but
getting it completed, evaluated, reviewed and published is just the
first battle.

if you can't find the file, i can send it to you--it's just too big to
attach to the list!


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....

Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue (www.purebredcats.org)
Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 2:47 AM, paola cresti <iend...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi MC,
> sorry finally catching up now with my mail.
> thank you so much for the input, it seems like we need to make our own way on
> this issue and forge ahead without data. Hopefully the Veterinary associations
> will follow suit.
> I tried clicking on the link you gave me but it couldn't find it. I'll try
> making searches for "AAFP-Retrovirus-Guidelines"
> Thank you again
> Paola
> ________________________________
> From: MaryChristine <twelvehousec...@gmail.com>
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Sent: Tue, August 17, 2010 11:25:03 AM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FeLV Re-testing for kittens/Tommy Update
> in adult healthy cats, the stats are that 70% can be adequately exposed
> until to test positive, and either never do so, or process the virus out of
> their system. they also know that some percentage of that 30% who do remain
> viremic, never become symptomatic, and are not contagious, even tho they
> continue to test positive.
> vets consistently forget, and we must consistently remind them, that the
> SNAP (and IFA, actually) test not for antibodies/infection, but for
> antigens/exposure--so a confirmatory test is literally vital.
> sadly, there is just not enough research to say what the percentages are in
> kittens--back in 2002, it was presumed that ALL kittens of positive moms
> (many of whom probably weren't positive to start with) were be definition
> positive themselves, and all were killed. when mom wasn't there to test, if
> one kitten in a litter tested positive, or the litter's blood was mixed
> (heaven forfend!) and was positive (again, remember, to ANTIGENS only), all
> were most likely killed.
> asymptomatic positive adults were most likely to be given a chance, while
> kittens were far less lucky. hence no research pool.
> in sanctuary settings, anecdotally it seemed that asymptomatic
> kittens--especially of asymptomatic moms--who made it past six or seven
> months of age (when mom's antibodies wore off? don't know, but kept
> happening), and again past about 18-22 months (absolutely NO ideas on why
> that's an important mark) would survive--these were UNretested cats,
> remember.
> kittens of sickly moms, or kittens who were themselves sickly -- not
> necessarily REALLY sick, but just not as thrifty as others their
> age/developmental stage--tended to do less well.
> with retesting recognized as a necessity, with an IFA done at an interval
> long enough to let the virus work itself out of kitty's system, the majority
> of kittens tested negative. still do.
> just no real data to 'prove' it.
> paolo, have you seen this? *http://tinyurl.com/AAFP-Retrovirus-Guidelines*
> *
> *
> MC
> --
> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> Maybe That'll Make The Difference....
> MaryChristine
> Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue (www.purebredcats.org)
> Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)
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