Alice, a couple of thoughts.  Decreasing the pred has to be done gradually.  
Instead of going to 5 mg 1x/day maybe 2.5 mg 2x/day could be easier on Murphy.  
You could talk to your vet.  

The L-lysine powder is tasteless but if Murphy won't eat it mixed in his food 
then maybe adding 1/4 tsp to his water would help.  I add l-lysine to the water 
for mine and the 2 feral colonies I feed to help prevent URIs.

I enjoy your Murphy updates.  Hope he is breathing easier soon.

--- On Sun, 10/10/10, Alice Flowers <> wrote:

> From: Alice Flowers <>
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Another Murphy relapse-now URI
> To: "" <>
> Date: Sunday, October 10, 2010, 4:41 PM
> Another Murphy relapse...poor boy is
> all congested and sneezy with a URI, he 
> began with light sneezing earlier this week, I gave him a
> PennG shot Friday 
> night because he had sneezed so much that he was getting
> bloody droplets. Now 
> he's really getting plugged up. I called the vet to see
> about reducing his 
> prednisolone dose because steroids suppress the immune
> system. He's been on 
> Lasix and Pred for 3 weeks since his diagnosis of Lymphoma.
> We are cutting him 
> down to 1/2 from 5mg 2x a day to once a day. I have put
> some L-Lysine powder 
> into gel caps because he will not eat it in his food nor
> eat the very expensive 
> Lysine treats we tried in the past. Seems the Lysine is
> supposed to help keep 
> the herpes virus (viruses in general) from replicating.
> This  flares up every 
> time his immune system is low and he ends up with upper
> respiratory problems. I 
> know he's not feeling well because I've waken up with him
> snuggled with me on 
> the bed for the last 2 mornings. He normally doesn't get on
> the bed, he likes to 
> sleep by the open slider screen door. I am still optimistic
> because his 
> breathing is still better, hopefully the fluid is still
> gone from his chest 
> area, he was in for his check up a week ago and the vet was
> impressed with how 
> clear his lungs sounded. Maybe he picked up a bug from the
> exam room-he was 
> wandering on the floor, my fault for letting him move
> around. He's such a people 
> person, he likes all the people at the vet clinic and wants
> to see what they are 
> doing. I hope the Lysine helps soon. They said if he's
> still congested, we can 
> try a mild Afrin nasal decongestant. He's not that bad yet,
> I don't think, just 
> somewhat depressed. Not eating as much, but still eating
> the AD and all the 
> gravy from the fancy feast plus some dry food. I know some
> may be tired of 
> hearing about Murphy, but I think it may help to keep hope
> alive, he keeps 
> bouncing back since the end of July when he became so
> anemic that by the first 
> of August I had to syringe feed him for a few days. He is
> on Procrit now just 
> once a week instead of 3x a week. Please, purrayers
> help!!  Alice
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