
I'm so sorry for your loss.  I was in the very same situation recently. I lost 
an adult cat to FeLV in January not realizing he was a positive until he 
suddenly became seriously ill. From the time of the diagnosis until I had to 
put him to sleep was one week. My 4 other (all indoor) cats had to be tested 
and luckily they all turned up negative so had them all vaccinated.  They'd 
only been exposed to the positive one for about 6 months but they shared food 
and water bowls, litterboxes and bedding.  My vet advised me to have them 
re-tested in 6 months. So far they all seem healthy but now that they've been 
exposed I check them regularly for any sign of enlarged lymph glands, the first 
symptom  the feLV positive cat exhibited. 

I hope this information helps. I can tell you that this forum has been an 
extremely valuable resource of information for me since losing my Chat Noir to 
this horrible disease. 

Best of luck to you,


On Apr 1, 2011, at 11:10 AM, "Lynda Wilson" <> wrote:

> Hi Mr. Wilson!
> I would like to take part in the discussions about Feline Leukemia.  I 
> recently had a 9 mos. old kitten die from FeLV.  I'm very concerned about my 
> 2 yr old cat contracting the disease. It would help me to talk to other 
> people that have experienced having exposed a FeLV kitten to a cat within the 
> same house.
> Please let me know how I can start a thread and read some past posts 
> regarding FeLV.
> Thanks for your help. I really need some support.
> Sincerely,
> Lynn
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