MAYBE TULO WASN'T FELV. HE could of had a heart condition,or cancer,or other 

--- On Fri, 5/20/11, Debbie Bendell <> wrote:

From: Debbie Bendell <>
Subject: [Felvtalk] FeLV Transmission - thanks for replies
Date: Friday, May 20, 2011, 1:49 PM

I am new to this listserv and couldn't figure out how to reply, so I'm
posting a new message.

Thanks for your responses.  I feel a little less stupid and guilty for not
having every cat tested before it joined my household.  I have many cats and
the fee for testing is $40, so I can't afford to do them all at once.

Does a cat get noticeably sick when it's first infected?  Three of my cats
have been sick enough to need bloodwork since I adopted Tulo, and they all
tested negative.  If a cat is infected by an asymptomatic carrier, will the
newly infected cat also be asymptomatic?

My cats are indoor cats.  There is no possible outside source of infection.
I am just baffled at how Tulo could go from alive and healthy to very sick
and dead in one week.  I'm also baffled that no other cats have shown signs
of illness.

*You may not change the world by saving one animal, but to that animal it
means the whole world and eventually, saving animals will change the world.*
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