I believe Sharyl posted a link to this chart about testing


My vet usually does an ELISA in house snap test. If positive we do it again 
immediately to make sure the test was done right.
If both tests come out positive, we do an IFA (sent to a lab) to see if the 
virus is in the bone marrow.
If the IFA is positive, the cat is positive. There is no reversing the FeLV at 
that point.
If the IFA is negative, wait 90 days & re-do the ELISA snap test.
If the ELISA snap test is still positive you can re-do the IFA at that point to 
see if the virus is now replicating in the bone marrow.
You can keep re-testing on the ELISA snap test unless you get a positive IFA, 
but the tests are expensive.

Basically a positive IFA means the cat is definitely positive & will not shake 
the virus,

The best thing is to get a vet experienced with FeLV & the testing process.


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 From: Dianne Chance <dechance19...@yahoo.com>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 10:47 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] New to the Group

Hello Group,

I just joined your service and wondered if the group is still active.  I have 
been searching for people who have experience dealing with feline leukemia 
positive kitties.  My biggest question is about the testing results, can 
results be a false positive?  How many times should a kitty be tested to have 
confirmation without a doubt?  

I would appreciate your responses.  

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