Bless you for all you have done and continue to do,

Sent from my iPhone.

On Jul 21, 2013, at 23:00, "Bonnie Hogue" <> wrote:

> Karen
> Bless you for trying to help these creatures.  I offer you prayers and moral 
> support!
> Bonnie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2013 12:39 PM
> To:
> Cc: Karen Harshbarger
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] struggling tonight
> You have a lot on your plate.  My problems have always come one at a time.  
> That has been frightening and frustrating enough.  I will keep you and all of 
> your cats in my prayers, you need them.
> ---- Karen Harshbarger <> wrote: 
>> Hi,  I joined all of these group cause I have kittys with all of these 
>> illnesses---one with CRF, 4 with feline leukemia, and little Tig that I lost 
>> had very bad anemia/feline leukemia/upper respiratory/etc.etc. and 
>> unfortunately I know that Anemia is probably coming for my 4 kittys with 
>> feline leukemia---just a matter of when. My kitty with CRF has slight 
>> anemia.  I have 5 other cats that live with me and there are 2 little ones 
>> that recently showed up on my patio.
> Tonight I am sitting up with one of my kitties that has feline leukemia 
> because he is sick ----he is throwing up white bubbly phlem and would not eat 
> tonight.  (before tonight, he was doing so good I thought that he might be 
> one of the lucky ones that would fight off this awful illness before his 
> second test)  
> Cole is very sick and I am very very worried about him and just trying to 
> figure out what I am going to do next so that I don't loose him like I lost 
> his brother little Tig recently
> As I read through all the posts I realize that there are a lot of caring 
> people out there trying very hard to do what I am doing----keep their cats as 
> happy and healthy as they can and with them as long as they can.  It is a 
> good thing that there are so many caring people, but a sad thing that there 
> are so many sick little cats.  .I also wonder how all of you afford to get 
> all the tests and medicines, as I am really struggling with that and not sure 
> how I am financially going to keep up and worry that I am not doing all that 
> I can or should cause I can't afford to do all these expensive blood tests, 
> etc or a regular basis. so that better diagnosis can be done.  I also worry 
> that the vets around here are not up on all the latest things to help my 
> little ones with all their illnesses.and that I am not smart enough to 
> understand it all to figure out if the vet is doing the right thing.  I some 
> times worry, especially nights like this when I sit up
>> tired and very worried with a sick little cat that I did not know enough or 
>> do enough for little Tig, causing him to leave this world at only 11 months 
>> old.  I also worry that I am not giving these little guys all that they need.
> Would love hearing any suggestions.  Sorry about the rambling.  I am just 
> struggling to find direction as I sit up with poor little sick Cole as he 
> struggles with this awful illness.    Thanks, Karen     
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