Hi everyone,

I joined the group early in the year when I adopted my sweet felv+ kitten, Dani 
(who turned a year on June 1st :) About three months ago I adopted another 
felv+ kitten around Dani's age, Pugsly (he looks just like a little 
pug--upturned nose and big round eyes.)

Pugsly has persistent herpes flare-ups but got that under control with upping 
his lysine to 500mg twice a day and he's been pretty much fine. Yesterday, 
though, I found vomit and diarrhea, which I was able to determine to be his. I 
noticed he didn't eat yeaterday or today with his usual gusto--it's usually 
gone in a nanosecond. His stool is pasty and jelly-like. There was a very faint 
pinkish hue to some of it yeaterday. He is still active but not his usual 
spazzy self. I started probiotic this morning and hope it will help.

He is not feverish and is hydrated. Dani is totally fine.

He also gets NuCat vitamins, two twice a day, and is on a grain free wet food 
only diet.

I was going to try some pumpkin in his food...I was wondering what other 
suggestions there are for treating the diarrhea. I also have slippery elm bark.

I know I can call my vet and get flagyl or tylan powder but wanted to reach out 
here first. I just hate giving antibiotics when it's not known if it's a 
bacterial cause.

Thanks for reading,

Laura, Dani and her bff Pugsly
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