I took Pookie to the one of four vets in Wisconsin who has done LTCI injections, but Pookie was sick, running a temp, and not eating when he was seen. So he wasn't a candidate for the injection. Do the FELV+ kitties need to be symptom free before they administer this? Also is this the same with the interferon shots? And does anyone know who administers interferon in Wisconsin? My inclination is if it isn't broken don't fix it...If Pookie is doing well, I don't want to mess with him. And he is doing great now since he had acupuncture. Seems so hit or miss with all this??

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Jennifer Lewis wrote:

Has anyone tried any other the other meds out there, like Lymphocyte T-Cell Immunomodulator (LTCI)?

Jennifer L, Munchkin and Brynn

On Nov 11, 2013, at 12:54 PM, MaryChristine wrote:


not new to most of us, but always good to see things get the "official" recognition. tho it does end as most research articles do, "more research is needed."

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