I'm considering doing this somewhat new lymphocyte t-cell immune modulator, 
LTCI, treatment for my FeLV kitty who's recently taken a turn for the worse - 
she's lethargic, decreased appetite, etc.  I'm assuming that if I do nothing, 
she'll die in a few days or weeks (I'm sad because she seemed fine like a week 
ago, and I only noticed this change in her behavior about 2 days ago).  I 
brought her to a vet today who basically said to give her palliative care until 
she dies, but then I did some google searching when I got home and found info 
about LTCI (I didn't even know it existed until literally this afternoon).  I'd 
love to hear about people's experiences with it, and whether you've had 

My kitty was a stray and I'm 99% sure she got it when she was a kitten, or was 
maybe even born with it.  I am not going to do intensive treatments like 
feeding tubes and stuff like that, that seems too traumatic and I'd rather she 
have a peaceful exit.  But if she can be helped by one little shot per month, 
that seems do-able.  

thank you,
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