I know, older cats are great have a lot of love to give and given care, can 
live to 19 or more.  Give them a chance.

---- Margo <toomanykitti...@earthlink.net> wrote: 
> Lorrie gives you very good advice. And many rescues, and even shelters will 
> let an older cat go on a trial basis. They will sometimes go a bit farther 
> for an older cat, knowing there are few options. Most potential adopters want 
> kittens. If you are very strong, consider a senior cat. They have often been 
> loved all their lives, and when their own person dies or goes into care, for 
> some reason there is no longer a place for them. Many have 6-8 good years 
> left, but that is a tough choice knowing time is limited.
> Whatever your choice, thank you for giving another cat a soft, safe place to 
> fall... 
> :)
> Margo
> -----Original Message-----
> >From: Lorrie <felineres...@frontier.com>
> >Sent: Jun 9, 2016 10:47 AM
> >To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> >Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tucker
> >
> >Rachel,
> >
> >You will never forget Tucker, and a new cat will not replace Tucker,
> >but it will soon make it's own place in your heart.
> >-
> >
> >I cannot imagine not having a cat to love, when I lose one. There are
> >so many wonderful, loving cats who desperately need a home, and if I
> >may offer a bit of advise from an old lady........ If you want to be
> >sure of a very affectionate, loving cat I'd suggest you pick a cat,
> >not a kitten.  Kittens are adorable, but their personalities are not
> >yet formed, and you could be disappointed when the kitten grows up. 
> >With an older cat who reaches out to you with paws extended, purring
> >and ready for love, you'll get the kind of cat you need and want -
> >Go for it!
> >
> >
> >Lorrie
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >On 06-09, Rachel Dagner wrote:
> >>    I picked up Tucker's ashes yesterday. I was really worried as I didn't
> >>    know if it would make me feel better or worse. I haven't eaten since
> >>    Sunday my appetite is nonexistent, I have managed to choke down a
> >>    couple protein shakes. My eyes are so swollen, I feel bad for anyone
> >>    who has the misfortune of looking at me, or being around me for that
> >>    matter. Well, I of course cried all of the way to the vets, and all the
> >>    way home. But then I curled up in bed with my little box of Tucker, and
> >>    I actually did feel a little more at peace. I laid there with him and
> >>    went through my pictures again and talked to him about all of my
> >>    feelings and my love for him, about our memories and how much I miss
> >>    him.
> >> 
> >> 
> >>    I have actually been in touch with a rescue group I found on pet
> >>    finder, they test every cat for FELV/FIV while many others don't. I
> >>    know that there is no sure thing with testing, and I wouldn't trade my
> >>    time with Tucker for anything in the world. I just know that
> >>    emotionally and financially I am not ready for FELV again right now. If
> >>    it happens, just like with any illness, then I deal with it, because
> >>    that is what you do.  I am going to Petsmart over in Tampa on Sunday to
> >>    meet their kitties, I have no idea if I will be ready, or if this is
> >>    what I desperately need to do to help me heal, but it won't hurt to go
> >>    meet them and see how my heart feels. One of the greatest gifts Tucker
> >>    gave me is that "no cats" Harry, when I showed him a pictures of a
> >>    kitty on Pet finder he said  "Is that the one you want to get?" So I
> >>    know now that I will never again have to live without the feel of that
> >>    soft fur on my face or the heart melting sound of purring in my ear. It
> >>    is so hard because I am scared to get one, and I am scared not to. I
> >>    guess we will see what happens...
> >> 
> >> 
> >
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