Check out Rustic Hollow.

---- Ardy Robertson <> wrote: 
> I am actually thinking that next time around I will adopt a more senior cat. 
> My age is getting to be more “senior” in nature, and I worry that if my pets 
> outlive me, what will happen to them? Both of my kids say they would take 
> them, but my daughter is more of a dog person, and her hubby is very allergic 
> to cats. And my son loves cats, but is gone all the time traveling – I just 
> don’t think either would be an ideal situation.
> Ardy
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Margo
> Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2016 2:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tucker
> Rachel, "senior" rescue isn't for everyone, and I don't fault you at all. ANY 
> cat who finds a home is cause for celebration. If we couldn't place  the 
> young ones the less adoptables would be out of time that much more quickly. 
> It's hard to wait for the right cat, but you'll find her. 
> Good luck :)
> Margo
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Rachel Dagner 
> Sent: Jun 11, 2016 9:45 AM 
> To: <>  
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tucker 
> Yes, the two I am looking at are girls as well and look very similar to 
> Tucker. I figure girls have way less of chance for getting blockages.  I know 
> I will disappoint a lot of people on here, as well as some friends that do 
> rescue by admitting they are young kitties and not old. I do feel a lot of 
> guilt because I don't want any kitty to not have a home, but in the end it 
> needs to be my decision and I have thought about the pros and cons a great 
> deal. I wish I could save them all.  I am praying my new kitty will get used 
> to riding in the car and will take her to work to get her used to it. Tucker 
> actually loved riding in the car, when he was homeless at work he used to 
> follow me to my car and put his paws up on the door ledge to get in. When I 
> did take him home he snuggled right in the crate and looked positively 
> content. I took him to the mountains on vacation. We had a nice cabin with a 
> huge screened porch so he could watch the wildlife. I also have the pet 
> tracking gps collar he had to wear on vacation just in case. I never left 
> Tucker or Daizy in the eleven years I had her with a sitter, where I go they 
> go or I just don't go, I don't trust anyone with my animals except my mom and 
> she lives in Texas. I want my new kitty to travel too if at all possible and 
> will work very hard to make this happen. I also hope to get her used to 
> brushing her teeth every night just like Daizy. And I hope that she and Daizy 
> will play together like she and Tucker did. I hope that Harry will fall in 
> love with her antics and cuteness like he did Tucker and come to appreciate 
> cats even more, and even fall in love with her.  I meet them tomorrow and 
> hope I feel something when I do. I desperately need to heal from this aching 
> emptiness. One thing I know for sure is that my kitty will never see a 
> shelter again. Even if I  die my family would never let that happen. It makes 
> me so mad that people adopt a pet only to later find it "inconvenient" for 
> whatever reason.  They give up their animal yet end up getting another one 
> later. Pets are forever for better or worse. Anyways I hope everyone still 
> likes me even though I am looking at young kitties after all they need a good 
> home and life too and one will have that with me for all of her days. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 10, 2016, at 9:29 PM, Ardy Robertson < 
> <> > wrote:
> Rachel – you sound like you are going through a lot of the feelings I had 
> after Tigger passed away. I quite accidentally looked over at the kitties in 
> PetSmart – I was NOT going to look at them that day. But Topaz looks very 
> similar to Tigger even though she is a girl and Tigg was a boy. That somehow 
> is comforting – even though I am determined to not compare the two of them. I 
> even had GUILT about liking Topaz. But I did feel like I had to get her out 
> of that glass enclosure, and heck – I have a big house, what’s wrong with 
> bringing one home. You will know if it is okay to help out another 
> kitty…….Ardy
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
> Rachel Dagner
> Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2016 8:50 AM
> To: <> 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tucker
> I picked up Tucker’s ashes yesterday. I was really worried as I didn’t know 
> if it would make me feel better or worse. I haven’t eaten since Sunday my 
> appetite is nonexistent, I have managed to choke down a couple protein 
> shakes. My eyes are so swollen, I feel bad for anyone who has the misfortune 
> of looking at me, or being around me for that matter. Well, I of course cried 
> all of the way to the vets, and all the way home. But then I curled up in bed 
> with my little box of Tucker, and I actually did feel a little more at peace. 
> I laid there with him and went through my pictures again and talked to him 
> about all of my feelings and my love for him, about our memories and how much 
> I miss him. 
> I have actually been in touch with a rescue group I found on pet finder, they 
> test every cat for FELV/FIV while many others don’t. I know that there is no 
> sure thing with testing, and I wouldn’t trade my time with Tucker for 
> anything in the world. I just know that emotionally and financially I am not 
> ready for FELV again right now. If it happens, just like with any illness, 
> then I deal with it, because that is what you do.  I am going to Petsmart 
> over in Tampa on Sunday to meet their kitties, I have no idea if I will be 
> ready, or if this is what I desperately need to do to help me heal, but it 
> won’t hurt to go meet them and see how my heart feels. One of the greatest 
> gifts Tucker gave me is that “no cats” Harry, when I showed him a pictures of 
> a kitty on Pet finder he said  “Is that the one you want to get?” So I know 
> now that I will never again have to live without the feel of that soft fur on 
> my face or the heart melting sound of purring in my ear. It is so hard 
> because I am scared to get one, and I am scared not to. I guess we will see 
> what happens…
> From: Felvtalk [ 
> <> ] On Behalf Of Ardy Robertson
> Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2016 11:59 PM
> To: <> 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tucker
> I’m just so happy that you had that kind of relationship with your fur-baby. 
> The memories are wonderful. I recently adopted another cat even though I said 
> I would not. No one will ever take Tigger’s place in my heart, but Topaz is 
> easing the pain. I may never have that bond that I had with Tigger or like 
> you had with Tucker, but I figured that was not a reason to not try again, 
> and with all the little homeless kitties, I think Tigger would have wanted me 
> to help another kitty. Certainly take your time, but I hope you can open your 
> heart again at some point.
> Ardy
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
> Rachel Dagner
> Sent: Wednesday, June 8, 2016 7:22 AM
> To: <> 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tucker
> Thank you everyone for your kind replies. I knew it was going to be hard for 
> me, it has been even harder than I ever imagined. I went through all of my 
> adorable pictures of him last night. Remembered him how he was and imagined 
> him that way again. He was such a cool and handsome little guy. I only had 
> him for a year and a half. In that time we went through so much. Emergency 
> vet visits, surgeries, worry. I wouldn't change it for the world though. He 
> touched my life and heart so much. I opted for a private cremation, so I can 
> keep him close to me always. I was the one person in his life that he loved 
> and adored more than anything, and he never doubted my love for him.  
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 8, 2016, at 8:02 AM, Katherine K. < 
> <> > wrote:
> I'm sorry about Tucker and for the pain you feel. I hope the happy memories 
> you shared bring you comfort during this difficult time. We're here for you. 
> On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 1:37 AM, Ardy Robertson < 
> <> > wrote:
> I'm so sorry for your loss of Tucker.
> Ardy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Felvtalk [ 
> <> ] On Behalf Of
> Rachel Dagner
> Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 9:33 AM
> To: <> 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Tucker
> I lost him yesterday morning. He was having a really hard time breathing due
> to the tumor in his chest. It was time, they got me in right away. It was so
> very hard to say goodbye. I haven't been able to quit crying since.
> It's so unbelievably hard, even knowing that it would happen soon. I miss
> him so much. Everything reminds me of him. I am at work luckily alone today,
> and can't quit crying. I had him with me at work last week and he was laying
> on my desk and purring and sleeping. It's just so hard to believe he is
> gone. I sat in the parking lot at my vets for at least an hour with my car
> door open, just in case he spirit needed to get inside and come home with
> me. I know it will get better, but right now the pain is just unbearable. I
> know that those here who have gone through this understand where I am right
> now.
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