I understand completely. We are being held hostage by the vets sometimes. My 
concern is that when a cat gets so low in her RBC's and haematocrit counts, you 
don't have a lot of time to react. I am glad that Bogey is holding her own but 
I worry that if the FeLV is not being attacked head on (with the Doxy) then any 
benefit you get from the Winstrol pumping up the red cells and the platelets, 
will be overtaken by the viral replication going on in the lymphocytes.

I agree with you though that you probably don't have a lot of options. See what 
happens when the third set of blood results comes back.

With respect to the Doxycycline, at least get him to agree if he thinks it will 
do NOTHING. i.e. - not good, not bad as far as he is concerned. So then if that 
is the case, why not try it just in case and in any event, it may help guard 
against an opportunistic infection, or deal with Hemobartinella, if it is 
present and infecting the red cells.


From: Felvtalk [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Sherri 
Sent: September-16-16 2:22 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bogey's First Month on Stanzolol

Amani, I did discuss my fears of stopping the Stanzolol but he told me 
basically that this is how we were going to do it. I also mentioned the 
doxycycline. Which I got just a shake of the head. I can't double up Bogeys 
meds because they only give me so much of it...until our next appointment 
actually. I'm not comfortable with trying to find another vet because the 
likelihood of them giving out Stanzolol is a turkey shoot. I feel a little 
helpless here. Hopefully she will continue to get a little better each time on 
what he is prescribing for her. Thanks for writing.

From: Felvtalk 
 on behalf of Amani Oakley 
Reply-To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org<mailto:felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>>
Date: Friday, September 16, 2016 at 12:26 PM
To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org<mailto:felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>" 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bogey's First Month on Stanzolol

Sorry - I was looking at the wrong thing when I mentioned the lymphocytes. I 
was actually noticing the MCHC going up (mean cell haemoglobin concentration) 
which is also a good thing.

They lymphocytes have gone up, not down, and emphasizes the need for the 
doxycycline in my opinion.


From: Felvtalk [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Sherri 
Sent: September-16-16 12:21 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org<mailto:felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Subject: [Felvtalk] Bogey's First Month on Stanzolol

Well we got good news at the vets office today. Not great but good. Bogey was 
on Pred and Stanzolol for 14 days. The vet then wanted her off (Stanzolol) for 
14 days then back on to cycle her on it. Bogey then went into heat on the 5th 
off day so I called the vet 4 days into her heat because it seemed to be very 
hard on her. He had me go right back on the Stanzolol and her heat ended the 
next day. So what we had was 2 weeks on, 10 days off and been back on it now 
for 7 days. Her are her results from 9/16 and the ones from 8/24.

RBC                                                     2.57                    
HCT                                                     15.3                    
HGB                                     5.5                                     
MCV                                    59.1                                     
MCH                                    21.4                                     
MCHC                                  36.2                                      
RDW                                    23.7                                     
RETIC                                  78.1                                     
WBC                                    14.47                                    
NEU                                     4.07                                    
LYM                                                    8.83                     
MONO                                1.52                                        
EOS                                                     .004                    
BASO                                   .010                                     
PLT                                                      88                     

She did not have a fever today and had gained almost .75 of a pound since 8/1. 
She is still playing some, eating and drinking well. But still is wobbly and 
sleeps quite a bit. She is holding her own on this drug combo and the vet was 
very happy especially with the PLT, which I need to read about again. We are 
keeping her on it for 30 days this next cycle and rechecking then. (Although I 
will probably take her in before that because I am a worrier)

Just thought I would post this for other FELV+ owners incase you were doubting 
this drug (Stanzolol) because of the potential of damage later in life. 
Remember we must get them to "later in life" first.
Thank you all and best wishes.

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