Good luck to you Molly (and Mia kitty). I lost my Tigger last year. He too was 
tested and found to be free of FeLV and FIV when he was a tiny kitten. I never 
had him outside, ever, but at 5-1/2 years he tested positive for FeLV. They 
said the test is not always accurate the the vaccine is not always effective. 
Anyway, I do believe Zander’s Protocol would have worked on him had I gotten 
him on it in time. Precious time was lost when my vets balked at using 
Winstrol, and then told me they were seeking a source when they had not even 
looked. Tigger improved so dramatically the testing lab re-did his bloodwork, 
thinking they had made a mistake. However, he was just too far gone before I 
got him started. If I ever have an FeLV positive cat again, I will get him on 
Zander’s Protocol immediately.



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Molly 
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2017 10:18 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Follow-up questions for FeLv meds


Thank you all for the information for my Mia kitty. 


I have a few more questions for Amani concerning Zander's Protocol: 


doxycycline - Should a calculated dose be used based on weight of animal for 
this or is the dose that you give apply to all cats. Mia is a small girl - 
weighs 7 lbs. Also, how long should she be taking the meds. Is it the normal 
7-10 days to 2 weeks antibiotic regimen or longer?

Prednisolone - I assume this is the normal protocol for this drug - a loading 
dose with tapering doses.

winstrol - looks like this is taken until the hematocrit reaches near normal 
range. Then, should this be continued to maintain a normal level forever?


Thank you all again. I am grateful for your intelligent feedback and experience 
on this subject. I am at a loss since I have never had a FeLV cat in the many 
decades I've had the privilege of sharing my life with my cat companions.  

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