I feel for you loosing 3 in one year, it is hard enough to just loose one a 
year.  Anie was my last to go.  Hoepfully Harley, Dee and Homie are healthy and 
will live long lives.  I am the one with problems, went in for routine visit 
and was sent to cardioligist who told me I needed surgery.  I did not agree so 
he told me ok, patient refused surgery, next day was informed patient passed.  
So I went for many rounds of tests, heart, brathing, etc. and had the aortic 
valve replaced on 8/31, and pacemaker on 9/1 and went home on 9/2.. I had the 
TAVR proceedure done which runs the new bovine valve from an incision in the 
groin through the arteries  to the heart.  It goes inside the old valve and a 
metal framework forces the old valve open more.  This is the way to go if you 
do not want a lo g hospital stay and open heart surgery.  I have been "resting" 
since the last of June and will continue to be on restricted activity until 
December.  Then I have to get my muscles toned up again.  I insisted on being 
able to clean boxes, fill water fountains and feed my cats.  So, they only had 
to make do with someone else for 3 days.  You cannot drive for 2 weeks.  This 
has been my biggest problem, not doing anything but crosswords and crochet.
I thought maybe I was missing out on things, but sitting and sleeping keeps you 
off the internet. Thought maybe everyone was free from illness and all kitties 
were doing fine.

---- ROBERT CHAPEL <bcha...@optonline.net> wrote: 
> No mail has appeared in my mailbox from this group for quite  long while 
so I thought I would inquire as to whether _ I _ am just missing mail 
that HAS been going to others or if the group has simply not been active 
for a couple of months..... Generally it has been my experience that 
once I write one of these notes I start to get mail once again... NO 
idea why....
I thought of all of you recently when it was time to put my Hospice Cat 
( Gilbert) down.... Third cat I have lost in a year....   I'm 0 for 3 at 
this point and am thinking it might be time to take on a more healthy 
animal but I keep harkening back to amani's words... If not us... who??  
 Certainly not the people who don't much care about cats...nor the vast 
majority of people who HAVE cats.....  There are SO many deserving 
animals out there that have problems that place them low on the adoption 
list....  they ALL deserve to have a home and someone to see them as 
special....  Gilbert was not adoptable with his brain injury...though 
ALL of the volunteers thought him special...still... no one came forward 
when he developed cancer though they all truly DID care that he was 
going to die....  He had a good life for his last few months... sitting 
on the porch...looking out the window.... and more petting and love than 
even HE wanted.  As is usually the case.... it was probably harder on me 
than him when it came time.... He stopped eating, it was painful for him 
to get his oral meds and even subq pain killers did little... He was 
constipated and just hid out all day... The Tumor was forcing his one 
eye to protrude and the other to recede... it would have been cruel to 
ask him to endure more..... A beautiful sweet animal.... I miss him 
Curious to see if I find the list active with this submission.....


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