Thank you for sticking with her and giving her a chance to live.  We need to 
educate vets that all deserve a chance to live.  
----- Original Message -----
From: Sherri Godschalk <>
Sent: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 12:55:51 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Felvtalk] Bogey's Progress

Good afternoon everyone. I was a pretty active person on this board when 
my new stray kitten Bogey was diagnosed as FELV+ in 2016. We had a rough 
go of it the first six months and you all were very helpful and kind and 
I can't thank you enough for that. The information was invaluable. I 
have become ill myself since that time so I fell off the planet for a 
bit but I wanted to take a moment to let you know about my girl.

Bogey is doing very well. 8/2016 - 1/2019 she had been taking 1mg of 
Winstrol (half of a capsule) and a half of a Prednisilone. (sp) I also 
treated her with a series of Doxy (7 days) once every 3 months. These 
dosages seem low but anything higher made her liver very sick and she 
was only barely 5 pounds initially.

When I took her for her biannual Chem 17 test 1/2019 ALL of her levels 
were completely normal. She has gained about 3.5 pounds and has really 
thrived. She went almost 4 months last year without the need of any kind 
of treatment. Her numbers dropped a bit last in November, just the low 
side of normal and but very low platelets. So she is getting just the 
Winstrol 4 times a month. I will know next week at her checkup if that 
needs to be increased. My vet says that this is not uncommon in the 
winter months...hibernation/longer nights/colder temps.

So here we are. I am so thankful that we found a vet willing to try to 
save her by prescribing these meds for her. She was failing so fast that 
I know she would have been gone years ago. Nothing felt as good as 
sending her blood test results and a photo of her to our original vet 
that said she should be destroyed because there were "plenty of other 
healthy cats that need homes".

Best to all.

Sherri & Bogey

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