Sherri, I can't find the words to describe how your great news makes me feel. 
Thankfully, your vet was willing to try and not just write her off. Goodspeed 
to you and Bogey,
Sandy W

> On February 12, 2020 at 12:55 PM Sherri Godschalk <> 
> wrote:
> Good afternoon everyone. I was a pretty active person on this board when 
> my new stray kitten Bogey was diagnosed as FELV+ in 2016. We had a rough 
> go of it the first six months and you all were very helpful and kind and 
> I can't thank you enough for that. The information was invaluable. I 
> have become ill myself since that time so I fell off the planet for a 
> bit but I wanted to take a moment to let you know about my girl.
> Bogey is doing very well. 8/2016 - 1/2019 she had been taking 1mg of 
> Winstrol (half of a capsule) and a half of a Prednisilone. (sp) I also 
> treated her with a series of Doxy (7 days) once every 3 months. These 
> dosages seem low but anything higher made her liver very sick and she 
> was only barely 5 pounds initially.
> When I took her for her biannual Chem 17 test 1/2019 ALL of her levels 
> were completely normal. She has gained about 3.5 pounds and has really 
> thrived. She went almost 4 months last year without the need of any kind 
> of treatment. Her numbers dropped a bit last in November, just the low 
> side of normal and but very low platelets. So she is getting just the 
> Winstrol 4 times a month. I will know next week at her checkup if that 
> needs to be increased. My vet says that this is not uncommon in the 
> winter months...hibernation/longer nights/colder temps.
> So here we are. I am so thankful that we found a vet willing to try to 
> save her by prescribing these meds for her. She was failing so fast that 
> I know she would have been gone years ago. Nothing felt as good as 
> sending her blood test results and a photo of her to our original vet 
> that said she should be destroyed because there were "plenty of other 
> healthy cats that need homes".
> Best to all.
> Sherri & Bogey
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