DEFINITELY see another vet!!!  What area are you in??  I know that Belinda has gathered information from us on the clinics and vets who are willing to actively treat FeLV+ kitties.  And which medicine are you referring to?  Many treat with interferon and there's someone on the list who actually worked with her vet to get permission from the FDA to get Feline Interferon!!!!  That's so awesome:).  What are her other bloodwork values?  How is her attitude, appearance and appetite??  You definitely have some questions for the 2nd vet.  But stick with this list and you will get a lot of good advice.
A high quality diet is key and many use various supplements like co-Q10 and prozyme etc
I haven't had the experience of vomiting to be a leukemic symptom, but of something else secondary to the FeLV.  Luci might simply be eating too much too fast.  With her eating wet food, her drinking of water will go down, so I wouldn't worry about that too much, unless she becomes dehydrated.  If you tent the skin on her back and it stays tented or is very slow to snap back, she's dehydrated and you should use a (needleless) syringe to water her or even get sub-Q fluids from the vet.

Kristen Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is my first posting.  About a month ago, my fiancee and I found a cat by our apartment building.  We put up signs asking if anyone is missing a cat and there was no reply.  We took her in and took her to the vet.  As it turns out, she has feline leukemia.  She has been tested twice then and each time she has come out positive.  We named her Luci.  The vet says she is between 1-2 years old.  She is not showing any symptoms yet.  However, during the past two weeks she is having trouble keeping her food down.  We were feeding her dry cat food and when she started vomiting, we switched to a food for sensitive stomachs.  She still could not keep anything down so we are trying a moist cat food.  Since then, she has stopped drinking a lot of water.  We have taken her to the vet and he has basically given up on her and not telling us what to do.  I have been! reading a lot about the disease and! have found out about the medicine that cats can receive with leukemia.  No mention of the medication was from the doctor.  Has anyone used the medication?  Does it help? 
We are taking her to another doctor to see if she has anything to say about the vomiting.  She is still vomiting on the moist cat food but not as much.  it says that vomiting is not a sign but has anyone else experienced this? 
Thank you,

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