----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jon Rosebaugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "The Fanfiction Mailing List" <ffml@chez-vrolet.net>
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: [FFML] [Ranma/MKR] Fire in the Water, act one (draft complete)

> On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:12 PM, Andrew Norris wrote:
>>    While ELL's statements WERE over the top
>> : and worthy of a ban
> I disagree. Backpack nukes might be over the top, due to collateral
> damage. But that's about it, when it comes to dealing with Fox.


He left the internet years ago. I took over the site he had and everything. 
He told me I could have it and all his writings that he was doing, but I 
can't write like he did then. Then he left the internet fanfiction community 
after some thing or other. Said he never wanted to get mixed up in it again. 
He was really pissed off, left, and went on to other things. I'm 'neko 
hibiki', but I have never been 'fox'. That was him, not me. Please -STOP- 
mixing me up with him. I'm not him. I tried to finish his immortal's story. 
I failed. I can't write like that. And I have no idea where he was gonna 
take it. It's not like I can ask him. I have no idea where he is, haven't 
had contact with him in years now. For all I know he could be dead. I don't 
know. ... Now I've gotten depressed. I'm gonna go eat something, and drink 
something too, see you all later.


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