--- Eduardo Arancibia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> God this is so much fun, reminds me of the better days
> when this list was popping around 50 messages a day
> ^_^
> Now we only need for that amazingly warped guy to
> write a cat love fic again and we'd be set. (he was
> named Oscar I think).

Oh, to be young and innocent again! There's one story I'd delete from the
memory banks if I could.

You know, I've been dying to write a surreal story with Sakaku from
AzuDai as the main character... I dare say a little furry action would
make for a good dream sequence.

What the _hell_ did I just type?

Oh well, I guess if I'm not amazingly warped, I've got nothing left to
live for.

Rick Spiff

Who still isn't sure why he hit the send button on this turkey.

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