While I ignored my first, mutilated post, since the link to the attachment was 
still relatively visible in the message, I've decided to do a hopefully cleaner 
repost following some advice from Adrian Tymes. My excuse for this trip-up is 
that I'm, well, new. My apologies.

At any rate, the story itself has been wrapped with hard breaks at every 70th 
character. Hopefully Windows Live Mail won't mess up the format. As earlier 
stated, this is my first foray into Evangelion fanfiction, and this draft has 
not been pre-read due to my complete lack of beta readers, so some glaring 
mistakes may be present.

SUMMARY: As a renegade Author threatens both the real and metaphysical worlds 
with his newfound powers, a rookie Avatar travels beyond the Fourth Wall to 
confront him. Pursuing a captured Shinji and EVA-01 into the NGE sector, the 
Avatar falls into a trap set to delay him, and things begin to fall rapidly out 
of control.

Chapter 1 can be found at: 

And now to chapter two itself proper.

The fluorescent tubes, held in fixtures of three each, were inset at
regular intervals into the plastered ceiling and turned off, since the
room was already sufficiently illuminated by the copious amounts of
what looked like late afternoon sunlight pouring in from the leftmost
wall, which was composed entirely from glass panels. Shinji felt
completely refreshed, as if invigorated by a good night's sleep. The
ceiling was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes, and he
gazed intently at it, fascinated by its overwhelming normalcy.

"You're finally awake," a voice said next to him.

He turned around, pushing his pillow out of the way to face the voice.
A girl was sitting upright in her bed, staring at a black hard-cover
book held in her good, unbandaged hand. Light blue hair framed her
heart-shaped face, and brushed gently against a pair of intense,
bright-red eyes. "... Looks like I am," he replied, mildly confused.


"Um..." Shinji started. "Can I know your name?"

"Ayanami Rei."

Short, succinct, and to the point, followed by silence once more.
Shinji decided to try again. "Ne... what is this place?"

"The medical facility of Central Dogma, NERV headquarters, three
kilometers underground beneath Tokyo-3," Rei said methodically, as if
delivering a report. "You have been unconscious for five days, during
which you have been treated for mental shock and extreme physical

"Well, they sure did a great job, cause I feel great," Shinji
declared. He gave a quick stretch, relieving some somewhat stiffened
muscles. And then he thought of a new question. "NERV... what's that?"

"You were summoned to Tokyo-3 by NERV as the Third Child and a
potential pilot candidate for Evangelion Unit 02," Rei replied
quietly, not looking up from her book. "You responded to the summons
and used Unit 02 to successfully defeat the Third Angel, Sachiel, five
days ago. Do you not remember, Pilot Ikari?"

"Not really... no," Shinji blinked in bemused confusion. "Pilot Ikari.
Is that my name?"

There was a brief silence. "You do not remember your own name?"

A less-than-comfortable pause ensued where Shinji mentally scrambled
to remember his identity and what had happened prior to his waking up,
and failed rather miserably. The slightest hint of panic set in.
"Uh... no," he replied lamely.

"What do you remember, then?"

Metaphorical crickets chirped in the background, and Shinji

Rei turned the page of her book. "This could be a problem." she


A matron had escorted him from the hospital room he shared with Rei,
and then he'd gotten dressed so that they could subject him to a
battery of tests and diplomatically refuse to answer any of his
questions. Nothing was wrong with him, he'd been assured – just a
minor feedback error. Nothing serious. Whatever it was, it wouldn't
impair his capacity to be put back in the same situation he'd been in
when the accident occurred. It seemed almost hours before they were
satisfied, and a nurse led him through a moderately long walk to
another room, where she handed a clipboard to its occupant, gave
Shinji a practiced smile, and disappeared.

That had been twenty minutes ago. He was standing in what appeared to
be the personal office cum computer laboratory of a blonde-haired
female scientist, if 'scientist' was indeed the appropriate term. No
fewer than five computer terminals of various models and processor
structures graced the workdesks, hard at work performing complex
analyses and simulations... or displaying screensavers, Shinji wasn't
sure which. At least sixteen kilograms of paperwork shared a desk with
a laptop and a row of neatly-lined empty soda cans. A potted plant
stood sentry by the entrance, looking as though it had been watered
with as much espresso as liquid dihydrogen oxide. Shinji stood
perfectly still, not daring to so much as twitch, thanks to the white
snow ermine currently perched atop his head.

The blonde-haired female scientist, undisputed supreme ruler-for-life
of her twenty-by-sixty domain, held the telephone receiver a good six
inches from her ear as the voice on the other end screeched at a
volume that made her words audible even to Shinji: "He's WHAT?"

"He's lost his memory," Akagi Ritsuko repeated calmly. "Complete
retrograde amnesia." Pause. "We're not sure yet. Probably due to the
neural feedback loop overload, though. The negative synch ratio may
have been a factor as well." Another pause. "Well, at least Rei seems
unaffected. We're still quite defenseless right now if another one
shows up, though." Yet another pause, longer this time. A pencil
twirled about with consummate dexterity between her fingers. "I'll
bring him to Unit 02's holding cage now, then," she said finally. "At
least he gets to make a choice today, instead of being forced into it
by gunpoint if necessary."

Shinji didn't dare turn his head, as the ermine was still sitting on
it, so only his eyes followed Ritsuko as she hung up and moved across
the office. She seemed somewhere in her early thirties, with short
blonde hair and a small mole under one blue eye, and the rather
unconventional choice of uniform of a one-piece scuba-diving suit and
a white lab coat. Shinji decided she definitely looked too attractive
for a scientist, but then again, she had a a frigid kind of beauty
that seemed to suit her professorial air at the same time. The kind
that calmly discussed forcing people at gunpoint into... things...
over the phone. "Um... Akagi-hakase –"

"Sign at the dotted line," she said, thrusting a clipboard and pen at

Shinji realized he didn't remember how he used to do that either, so
he scrawled his name as best as he could and handed it back. Ritsuko
looked at it contemplatively for a moment, and tossed it casually onto
her desk.

"Um," Shinji's eyes followed her quizzically as she rummaged about in
a drawer. "What did I just sign?"

"Your items release form," Ritsuko replied. "Here, take this."

'This' appeared to be rectangular, slim object with a sleek metal
finish, attached to a thick Velcro strap. Shinji accepted the device
dubiously, wrapping the strap around his left wrist. With a single
motion he gave his wrist a light flick, as though it were the most
natural thing to do – to his amazement the device flipped open,
revealing a small backlit touchpad and miniature display screen. A
holographic window popped open, causing neat, black text against a
clean white background to scroll past rapidly –

"S.H.O.D.A.N. Build 00.00.0," Shinji read aloud. He gave a low
whistle. "Sweet."

The text display stopped scrolling and vanished. Only a blank white
screen remained, displaying two things: the words "ENTER PASSWORD" at
its center, and a blank textbox with a blinking cursor, waiting
expectantly for a response.

Shinji stared blankly at it, first in confusion, and then in
disappointment as he realized what just happened, his excitement
having run into a brick wall. "Bleh," he mumbled. He turned to
Ritsuko. "This is mine?"

For a moment he thought Ritsuko was watching intently, anticipating
him with a predatory look in her eyes – and then he blinked, and there
was nothing but nonchalance as Ritsuko shrugged into a new labcoat.
Must've been a trick the lights played on him, Shinji decided.
"Apparently," Ritsuko said. "A portable quad-core quantum
supercomputer. Do you remember where you got it from?"

Shinji looked at her in blank confusion.

"Never mind," Ritsuko conceded. "Follow me."

"Um... Akagi-hakase?" Shinji began. "I thought you said I signed an
items release form?"

"Those are all your items," Ritsuko replied. "One quantum
supercomputer, the set of clothes you're wearing now, and one pet

"Kyu," Hisame chimed in helpfully from atop Shinji's head.

"I – huh?" Shinji blinked in utter confusion. He had no belongings?
And then he realized an even bigger quandary. "An ermine?" he
protested. "But I don't know how to take care of an ermine!"

"Neither did I, for the last five days," Ritsuko said. "He's not much
of a problem." She clipped a pen neatly to the breast pocket of her
labcoat. "In fact, I'd say he's the very least of your problems right
now, Ikari Shinji-kun."


Ritsuko's words hung ominously over his mind as she led him through
the complex maze of travelators, passageways and lifts. It didn't take
Shinji long to notice that the place was built like a fortress – as
far as he could see, he would have had no trouble believing that the
labyrinthine complex could easily withstand anything short of a direct
nuclear strike. Clearance was a plastic tag that Ritsuko wore around
her neck, which opened doors when swiped through an electronic slot
reader. At first it was Dr Akagi Ritsuko – the person of authority –
that the people around them noticed, but as they descended deeper and
deeper into the bowels of Central Dogma, where everyone had authority,
it was her cargo, the Third Child tagging behind her, that they cared
to see.

"Big place, isn't it?" Shinji remarked, busy being awe-struck by the
architecture. The entire complex was clean and efficient, and
augmented by various automated electronics and systems. Yet it felt
strangely natural to him, and for a moment Shinji wondered if he'd
spent his life wandering through fortified military installations.

"This is Central Dogma, NERV headquarters," Ritsuko said, as a set of
reinforced interlocking doors opened with the silent whoose of
pneumatics to allow the travelator to transport them into and across
what looked like a gigantic, cylindrical steel-walled chasm, almost as
if they had just entered a large vertically-aligned steel pipe, with a
myriad of other travelators bridging the chasm above, below, and all
around them. A brief updraft from the unfathomable depths caught
Ritsuko's labcoat, allowing Shinji an appreciative glance of her
figure in the body-hugging wetsuit. "We're taking the long detour,"
she explained. "You haven't been shown around yet, and there's someone
you should meet."

"One of my bigger problems you mentioned earlier?" Shinji asked,
glancing at Hisame. The snow ermine was now riding in his shirt
pocket, its small, furry white head barely peeking over the edge.
Shinji had been mildly shocked to discover that the creature's body
was cold – it felt as though a streak of liquid ice was gliding over
him when Hisame had scampered from atop his head into his pocket.

The corners of Ritsuko's lips tugged into a brief smile. "Maybe."

"More mysteries, hooray," Shinji muttered with mock enthusiasm. "I
can't wait."

As the doors on the far wall of the chasm opened to allow them
passage, Shinji could hear the disjointed voice of a female drifting
along the corridors. Ritsuko perked up visibly at the sound. "So it's
Area C16 today," she murmured softly to herself. And then, louder, at
Shinji: "This way."

They turned a corner, following the source of the sound, only to see a
dark-haired young woman, wearing a red jacket, uttering an impressive
string of expletives at what seemed to be a dead-end passageway, but
turned out on closer inspection to be a set of automatic doors
operated by a small electronic panel set into the steel wall beside
it. Shinji stared, eyes wide, and then began to memorize some choice
terms for future use. Ritsuko smiled briefly in expectation.


The woman banged a fist against the electronic panel for the umpteenth
time, and all of a sudden it complied, the status display light
blinking green as the doors opened. The woman blinked in surprise.
"Well, I guess – EEK!"

Which was as far as she got before being smothered by plastic sacks of
garbage that crashed down upon her from beyond the now-open doors.

Ritsuko decided it was time to take charge, stepping forward as the
red-jacketed woman's muffled scream of frustration echoed from beneath
the mound of garbage. The plastic sacks were fortunately durable
enough to not break as the woman clawed her way out, armed with some
even more notable oaths – which died in her throat as she saw Ritsuko,
arms folded, looking down at her.

"Hello, Captain Katsuragi," Ritsuko greeted mildly. "I assume you took
a left turn again instead of right at Area B17 today?"


"Gomen ne, Ritsuko," Misato grinned sheepishly. "Guess I'm not quite
used to the place yet."

"I don't want to know," Ritsuko replied levelly. "Fortunately for all
of us, you were only trying to smash your way into a garbage
repository, instead of a bakelite dispenser chute. Retrieving your
corpse would probably cost more than your monthly salary."

"How'd you know I was there anyway?"

"I don't know. Maybe because you've been making the same mistake for
two weeks now?"

Misato grimaced. "Now you're just being mean."

Shinji had busied himself with inspecting his surroundings during the
brief altercation between the two older women. The three of them had
boarded a small, motor-powered inflatable raft, skimming along a
gigantic passageway almost the width of a soccer field that, save for
the elevated walkways on both sides, was flooded to an indeterminate
depth with a semi-opaque, darkish orange-red liquid that looked
strangely like motor oil. Hisame's tufted ears were blown back as the
engine left a fine spray of liquid in their wake. The whole place
seemed oddly like a massive submarine holding pen, and he was
distracted from looking out for a telltale submarine periscope poking
out above the liquid surface only when he heard Misato ask: "You're
Ikari Shinji, aren't you?"

"So I've been told," He returned her gaze blankly, "Captain

Misato waved a hand dismissively. "Call me Misato." She grinned. "Glad
to meet you in person at last."

"We haven't met?"

"Not really, no." Misato scrutinized him carefully. "I suppose you
don't remember anything now, but to be honest we have just about as
many questions as you probably have for us. How much has Ritsuko told

"Nothing much, apart from Second Impact and the Angels. I've been
given a profile on myself to read as well." Shinji tried to imagine
how he could possibly be as interesting to a UN military branch
shrouded in secrecy as it was to him, and failed. "Actually, I can't
wait to get that part started," he declared. "Like who are you, what
am I doing in this place..." he paused, frowning, "and where exactly
are we going."

"We've arrived, actually," Ritsuko interjected, looking ahead at the

Shinji followed her gaze, and fell silent.

He remained silent as they disembarked from the raft onto one of the
steel walkways that flanked both sides of the liquid-filled passage,
their presence going unnoticed save for a group of orange-jumpered
technicians attending to the otherworldly construct backed against the
end of the passageway, rising up from the liquid surface to loom over
them. It wasn't until they stopped at the middle of the catwalk that
spanned the width of the passage, standing up close to the object,
that Shinji found his voice in the form of a hoarse, almost-inaudible

"Holy shit," he croaked. "What the hell is this thing?"

"The second model of the synthetic life form Evangelion, Unit 02,"
Ritsuko announced loftily. "Humanity's only line of defense against
the Angels."

"It took quite a beating during its last deployment," Misato grinned
sheepishly. "Relax, it doesn't look this ugly all the time."

Ritsuko and Misato's words barely registered as Shinji's brain fumbled
to compensate for the alarming disturbance in size perception that the
object had introduced. It took him moments to register that the thing
he was looking at was a large, misshapen humanoid head, even despite
the three emerald-green eyes gazing balefully at him. The head itself
was constructed of a brownish substance that seemed frighteningly
organic and flesh-like, and the three eyes were chillingly human; the
only clue that the monster was man-made in nature were damaged scraps
of blood-red armor that covered half of its face, as well as its
fourth and final eye.

"Ikari Shinji," Ritsuko began, staring at him squarely in the eye.
"You are the Third Child, as reported by the Marduk Institute, a
handful of incredibly rare people born on the exact day of Second
Impact who possess the necessary genetics to pilot an Evangelion unit.
You will be designated as the pilot of Unit 02 and pilot it into
combat against the Angels," Ritsuko grimaced, "simply because we have
no one else to do so. Do you accept?"

Shinji gazed at the behemoth in trepidation. "Was this how I lost my
memory?" he asked. "Piloting this thing?"

"You remember piloting it?" Misato asked.

Shinji was silent for a while. "Not really," he said finally. His
voice trailed off, and for a moment he seemed lost for words. "But
somehow it doesn't feel like the first time I've seen this thing
either. An unpleasant familiarity of sorts."

Both older women shared a brief glance.

"Hell of a way to greet an amnesiac," Shinji muttered. "What happens
if I say no?"

"We can't make you do it against your will," Ritsuko said calmly.
"You're free to leave if you want to."

Shinji stared at her, suddenly cautious of her apparent calmness.
"What's the catch?"

"There's no catch. We can force you into the entry plug, but we can't
make you pilot it against your will," Ritsuko replied. "Right now one
of our pilots is in Germany with an incomplete Evangelion unit still
under construction, and the other injured. We need you more than you
can imagine, but all the same there's no way we can force you to.
That's all there is to it."

Despite himself, Shinji felt surprisingly calm – or at least, less
panicky than he had expected he would be – even though nothing seemed
to make sense. Perhaps Ritsuko's admission that other pilots were
available had reassured him somewhat. No matter how pressing or dire
they tried to make it sound, they had other people to take his place.
Which sounded only natural, now that he considered it. The thought of
having the operations of a UN military branch rest solely on a
fourteen year old child piloting a gigantic, indeterminate organic
construct against invading monsters was utter absurdity. And as the
relief of that thought washed over him, he suddenly wanted nothing
more than to get away from the strange monster and out of Central
Dogma, to be far away from the bizarre irrationality of it all and
back in the normal world where common sense and logic still prevailed.

And yet it was as though seeing the behemoth known only as Unit 02 had
brought back a fleeting semblance of a long-forgotten memory,
tantalizingly dancing about the periphery of his conscious thought and
yet refusing to manifest itself. Had he really done this before?
Perhaps he had. After all, that was presumably the only thing they
needed him for, the reason why he was even here in the first place.
Perhaps that also explained the strange feeling, as if he'd woken up
from a dream that had moved him to tears, yet had slipped from his
mind as he crossed the blurred line between sleep and wakefulness,
leaving only emotions behind, so strong that they survived even the
loss of the thoughts that had evoked them.

There's still something I need to do.

"I'll need some time to think about it," he heard himself say.


"I said I'll think about it," Shinji repeated, still staring
thoughtfully at Evangelion Unit 02, with traces of disquiet in his
eyes. "I'll need some time to sort out everything you've dumped on me
so far." And whether I should trust you at all, he added silently.

It was then that he realized that both Ritsuko and Misato seemed
immensely relieved by this declaration, if only for a moment before
they regained their composures.

"I suppose that's the best we can hope for at the moment," Misato
said. Her features softened. "I'm sorry we had to pull this on you so
soon, but it's absolutely necessary that we have at least one
functional Evangelion unit and pilot on standby."

Shinji smiled wanly. "We all do what we have to."


A soft knock interrupted Rei from her reading.

The pneumatically-powered door opened with a quiet, efficient whoosh,
and Rei bookmarked and closed her book with meticulous care as
Lieutenant Ibuki Maya entered the room. Night had since fallen, and
with her room illuminated only by a bedside reading lamp, a rectangle
of light fell on the floor from the open door, prompting Maya to ask:
"Do you mind if I turn on the lights?"

"Please do," Rei said neutrally.

The fluorescent tubes flicked on, and clean white light flooded the
room. "How're you feeling today?" Maya asked.

Rei looked at her briefly. "I am recovering properly," she stated.

Maya smiled. "That's good. Akagi-senpai seems to be busy with
something else right now, so I'll be checking your progress today."

The inspection took place in silence as Maya jotted down the data
displayed by a monitoring machine located by Rei's bedside, punctuated
only by her asking some pertinent questions regarding Rei's injuries,
to which brief, direct answers were supplied. The process took all of
three short minutes, and as Maya finished scribbling a memo detailing
Rei's condition, she was surprised by the younger girl calling her

Rei held out the book she had been reading with her good hand. "I have
finished this one," she said. "Could you ask Dr Akagi for the second
volume for me."

Maya blinked as she accepted the book – a black, hard-cover copy of
Nightfall One, by Isaac Asimov – and tried to decide which was odder,
that Ritsuko had been handing out almost century-old science fiction
to Rei, or that the latter was displaying an apparent interest in
them. As far as she knew, the First Child was interested in nothing,
living only to pilot Evangelion Unit 00 with unflinching dedication;
and even then she seemed to show little – if any – interest in that.

But then again, it wasn't so bad at all. A girl of Rei's age could
definitely use a healthy hobby or two...

She made a mental note to ask Ritsuko about it later, and tucked the
book under her arm. "I'll tell her when I see her," she promised.
"Well, good night, Rei."

Rei broke off eye contact, and stared straight ahead at the far wall.
"Good night, Lieutenant Ibuki."




"Don't I have any parents?" Shinji asked. "My file mentioned a

Misato looked uncomfortable for a moment, as if trying to decide how
to best answer a delicate question. "Your father's a busy man," she
said finally. "He's not even in Japan all that often, so we've had to
assign another guardian for you to make sure you're properly taken
care of. Anyway!" she grinned, raising a hand enthusiastically. "I
volunteered, so here we are."

"Aa." Shinji blinked. "What did your boyfriend say about it?"

Misato's enthusiastically raised hand wavered ever so slightly. "Being
a NERV captain is sort of a full-time job, you know. Anyway, I live
alone and have two spare bedrooms I'll never use anyway, so..." she
grinned nervously. "Well, you know."

"You're still single."

Misato scowled at her adolescent charge. "What's with that look?"

"N – nothing."

They were standing outside an apartment door, labeled with a brass tag
that read M. KATSURAGI, on the twelfth floor of an apartment complex,
with the open-air corridor exposing the view of the block interior to
their left. Misato had taken to fiddling with the electronic panel set
into the wall next to the featureless, metallic door, and, after a
minute or two: "There, I've just programmed your details into the
security system," she announced. "Try swiping your NERV ID card."

Shinji drew the small plastic card Misato had given him earlier from
his right trouser pocket, gripping it deftly between his index and
middle fingers; and then, almost as if acting from motor reflex,
swiped the card in a single, swift motion through the slot reader with
uncanny accuracy, despite not even bothering to aim. "Henshin."

And then his brain caught up, and he looked blankly at Misato.
"Sorry," he winced. "Wasn't sure why I did that. Guess I must've been
a big tokusatsu fan."

Misato's only reply was an odd look, which went unnoticed by its
recipient as a green light lit up on the panel, followed by the door
sliding open. "Well, here we are," Misato declared. "Welcome to your
new home." And then, in a smaller voice: "I haven't had time to clear
it up yet, so there's a bit of a mess in there..."

Home, Shinji thought. Not that he belonged in any place that he could
remember. With his memories gone he was left with only an intellectual
understanding of the concept, rather than an emotional one, and
certainly no heartfelt attachment to it whatsoever – but nonetheless,
encouraged on by Misato's smile, he gave a nod in return, and stepped
with meticulous care past the steel-lined door grove, and onto the
tiled floor of the foyer –


"Pen-pen!" Misato cried.

– which was as far as he got before his feet became chaotically
tangled with an obstacle that hadn't been there a moment ago.

"YAAGH!" Shinji cried as he toppled forward, arms scrambling for
something – anything – to break his fall, in the process swiping a
flailing hand along the length of a nearby countertop. This did
nothing to stop his fall, but it did knock two empty beer bottles off-
balance, which promptly triggered the rather impressive chain-effect
of causing the multitude of beer cans, wine bottles, and other
miscellaneous emptied alcoholic drink containers that graced almost
every horizontal surface in the foyer to come crashing down after him.


"Shinji-kun," Misato cried. "Are you alright?"

"Somewhat, yes," Shinji grimaced, holding a hand on his forehead at
the spot where it had met cold, hard ceramic. "What was that?" he
asked, dazed, as Misato helped him up, and cast a dark look at Hisame
– the ermine, despite spending the last two hours or so seemingly fast
asleep in his shirt pocket, had escaped the fall with surprising
agility by leaping onto Misato's shoulder, from where he was giving
Shinji an innocent look.

"Gomen gomen," Misato grimaced. "I forgot to feed Pen-pen before I
left for work today. He must be starving."

The bump on Shinji's head went completely forgotten as Shinji stared
at the creature trying to climb up Misato – a black-and-white winged
bipedal creature that stood at almost two feet tall, with reddish
eyebrow-like bristles above its eyes. "A penguin?" he mumbled in
incredulous disbelief. "You keep a penguin for a pet?"

"You keep a snow ermine," Misato pointed out, to which Shinji had no
clever rebuttal. "He's one of those hot-spring breeds," she continued
her explanation as the bird continued its attempts to clamber up her,
warking hungrily for food. "Pen-pen!"

It was a few moments before Shinji extricated himself from the mess,
battling his beer-stained clothes, a frantic penguin, and the ruins of
enough empty beer cans and broken bottles that, combined, once easily
held enough alcohol to float the Titanic, which Shinji hoped for his
own sake had not all belonged to Misato. Gingerly he navigated the way
through the apartment with the hesitating tentativeness of a newcomer,
past the kitchen and living room towards one of Misato's spare rooms
which was now his ("There's a spare towel inside the cupboard!" Misato
had shouted after him), and then, entering it, gently slid the
traditional-style bamboo door shut behind him.

He took a moment to savor the first time he had been alone since the
beginning of the thoroughly mind-boggling day.

The room was small, but Shinji didn't mind, since it was clean and
neat and that was all that mattered as far as he was concerned. A
plain single bed, reading desk and full-length cupboard were lined
against the far three walls, with a window that looked out east over
the glittering lights of Tokyo-3. It was also completely bare, devoid
of any CDs, posters, photos, or any other personal decorations or
articles that might have given him a hint of what sort of person Ikari
Shinji had been like. As it was he still knew almost nothing about
himself; there were no remnants of his past, no one who knew him in
this strange megalopolis, nothing to verify that he had ever existed
at all –

"Kyu," Hisame cried from his shirt pocket.

– except for a snow ermine, and a portable quantum supercomputer
strapped to his wrist that, with his lost memories, he no longer had
the access password to. The device had been so ergonomic and
weightless that Shinji had completely forgotten he was still wearing
it. He unfastened the Velcro strap and set the device on his desk,
watching with impressed fascination as it projected a holographic
keyboard, pointing pad and 20-inch viewing screen, transforming itself
into a virtual full-sized desktop computer that could be comfortably
used without having to fumble with the small, cramped built-in
touchpad and display.

"Wish you could talk," Shinji said, watching Hisame leap gently from
his shirt pocket onto his desk. "Bet you'd have quite a few stories to
tell me, neh?"

He was about to raid the cupboard for the spare towels Misato had
mentioned earlier when he noticed that Hisame had just jumped across
the holographic keyboard, and the password prompt displayed so
prominently on the viewing screen now had an asterisk on it. "S,"
Shinji read out loud, watching as the glow on the key just pressed
faded away. "What the hell?"

Hisame continued to manoeuvre carefully, slowly around the keyboard,
pressing keys with short paws that had been evolutionally designed
against performing such a feat. "A..." Shinji continued. "U... S..."
He blinked as Hisame finally completed the word. "Sausages."

"Piki," Hisame tittered triumphantly, jumping onto and sitting on the
Return key.

The password prompt evaporated, and the screen went blank. Now
thoroughly baffled by the turn of events, Shinji took a step closer
towards the computer, which looked for all in the world as if its
batteries had just gone flat –


Shinji whirled around reflexively. "Who the hell are you?"

Unless Misato had lied about her living alone, the girl behind him had
appeared seemingly out of nowhere. She was in her late teens, Shinji
guessed, and bore a striking resemblance to someone he had seen before
– it took him a second to remember that that someone was Ayanami Rei,
back at Central Dogma's medical facility. Except that her shoulder-
length hair was cropped to an almost boyish style, yet still managed
to retain a substantial amount of feminine beauty. Her eyes were also
less guileless than Ayanami's – like her hair, they were a striking
ice-blue, diamantine shade – yet they had Ayanami's considerable
intensity as they stared at his own. "Good evening," she announced.
"The time is now 2124 hours, June sixteenth, twenty-fifteen A.D. Our
present location is Sector Gamma 9, Neon Genesis Evangelion. The
current timeline is the second episode of the anime series."

"I asked who are you," Shinji asked, now with a defensive tone as he
backed away slightly from the girl. "How did you get here?"

"My model designation is PT-900," she continued, raising her voice in
seeming determination to ignore Shinji's question. "I first became
operational in Adelaide, South Australia, January twelfth two-thousand
six A.D. in Sector Aon. During an incident in Sector Delta 6 I gained
self-awareness, and received from you the unit ID of Misao." She
paused her narration, looking at Shinji in annoyance. "For heaven's
sake, can't you let me finish this properly?"

Shinji had completely fallen off-balance, and was now staring at her
in alarm. "I – I can see right through you," he said in a panicky
stammer, index finger jabbed accusingly at her from his sitting
position. "You're a ghost!"

"What'd you expect?" Misao snapped. "I'm a hologram constructed from
G.N. particles. Of course you can see through me."

"MISATO-SAN!" Shinji shrieked in terror as he scrambled back
frantically on all fours. He slammed back-first into his desk, which
knocked enough air out of his lungs to pause his screaming for a
moment or two, but ultimately failed to discourage him from continuing
to bawl his lungs out. He was stopped only when, a second later, a
drawer jarred loose from the earlier impact tumbled down and crashed
squarely onto his forehead, causing the Avatar to collapse back
limply, cross-eyed.


"Well." Misao frowned. "That went a lot better than I thought it


"This simulation is a re-enactment of Evangelion Unit 02's first
deployment," Ritsuko spoke into the small microphone attached to the
collar of her lab coat. "On the eleventh of July, 2015 A.D., Unit 02
was deployed to halt the invasion of the Third Angel, codenamed
Sachiel. As both Unit 02's remote communications systems and black box
recorder were damaged during combat and necessitated extensive
repairs, immediate post-deployment analysis of the operational
anomalies exhibited by Unit 02 was not possible, which shall be
carried out during this simulation instead."

The NERV Command Center was usually all but deserted at this late
hour, manned only by standard night shift crew in case of emergencies.
They had been relieved of their shifts for the night, however, as they
did not possess enough clearance to be present, Ritsuko turned to look
at Vice-Commander Fuyutsuki, filling in for Gendo's absence, and
received a brief, affirming nod in return.

"Patch decoder data to the main screen," she ordered.

"Ma'am," Hyuga Makoto confirmed, carrying out Ritsuko's command.

The main screen consisted of almost the entirety of the far wall of
the Command Center, opposite the command bridge which jutted out like
a balcony to overlook the massive chamber. It snapped to life with
startling clarity and detail, as sophisticated, powerful computers
combined information recorded by static cameras placed throughout
Tokyo-3 and orbital observation platforms, and data salvaged from
EVA-02's black box, to produce a visual display that could be panned,
rotated, zoomed, or otherwise manipulated according the whim of its
viewers. Right now it displayed a static snapshot of EVA-02 firing its
assault rifle, with enough framerate and resolution to clearly see the
individual bullets as they struck and bounced off Sachiel's AT Field.

"Unit 02 was initially planned to be piloted by Ikari Shinji, Third
Evangelion Pilot Qualifier," Ritsuko reported. "Due to his unforeseen
absence Unit 02 was instead designated to Ayanami Rei, and launched
into combat at 0743 hours."

"Pilot Ayanami achieved an initial synchronization rate of 43.3% with
Unit 02," Maya continued. "Given her injuries at that time, this was
considered quite a remarkable feat. However, MAGI also calculated the
chances of tactical success at only 13%, owing to her extremely
handicapped physical condition."

"Skip to four minutes," Ritsuko said.


"Combat progresses as expected," Ritsuko narrated. "We were able to
verify that the Evangelion units fulfill their theoretical parameters,
in particular that we can successfully generate an AT Field, and that
it is effective at countering that of the Angels, when projected at
sufficient strength."

"The Third Angel gains the upper hand in combat, in acordance with
MAGI's computational predictions," Makoto said. "In part, this is due
to NERV's underestimation of the Angel's full abilities, and Unit 02
suffers structural damage to 21% of its external armor."

"And the Third Child?" Ritsuko asked.

Shigeru took over. "The Third Child was first sighted visually by Unit
02 seven minutes after initial deployment, a mystery given that his
presence had gone completely undetected by NERV's surveillance
network. Records give no indication of how the Third Child arrived in
Tokyo-3, or breached the security perimeter," Shigeru paused, "almost
as if he'd appeared out of thin air."

Anomaly number one, Ritsuko thought. Misato had, at that point, issued
orders to Rei to protect the Third Child by putting him into Unit 02's
entry plug. This had only worsened Rei's synchronization ratio due to
the interference introduced by a second brainwave pattern, but there
had been no other way to protect the boy – both the Commander's son,
and a valuable and much-needed asset. "The rest we already know," she
said. "Skip to twelve minutes."

/"Ikari Shinji,"/ a recorded, scratchy version of Rei's voice spoke in
a whisper, distorted by static. /"Who... are you?"/

/"How should I put this,"/ Shinji replied. /"I'm this world's messiah,
if you will."/

Deliberations of the significance of those words were broken by Maya
saying, "At twelve minutes Unit 02 was rendered non-combat-capable by
the Third Angel, via extensive damage to both the Evangelion unit and
its pilot. Pilot Ayanami was pacified by extreme physical injuries and
extensive neural damage, while Unit 02 was reduced to 54% combat
capability. However, the Third Child took over as Unit 02's pilot,
achieving 7% synchronization on his first try. Our remote control
systems were severed at this point, and from now onwards the
simulation will be carried out using data reconstructed from Unit 02's
damaged black box."

"I'm relaying the last reliable data we have from the black box before
it was damaged," Shigeru reported. "Patching audio feed now."

/"Gate Access,"/ a voice announced calmly, wracked with static
interference, but unmistakably Shinji's. /"Henshin!"/

And then: /"Henshin,"/ a second, androgynous voice confirmed. /"Wake
up, Omni."/


Almost a mile away, in the darkness of her room at the medical
facility of the Geo-Front, those very same words echoed in Ayanami
Rei's mind.

Her entire world had been changed – of that there was no doubt. Five
minutes in Unit 02's entry plug with the Third Child had assured her
of that. And now that the Third Child was amnesiac, unaware of and
helpless against the greater forces that had culminated in his
presence here in Tokyo-3, Rei couldn't help but feel, despite herself,
that part of the burden now rested upon her as well.

Gently she closed her eyes, allowing her mind to drift, as it had done
so of its own volition without fail for the past five nights, back
towards uneasy memories of the Third Child.


"As can be seen, Unit 02 undergoes a transformation of indeterminate
nature," Ritsuko said grimly. "The cause and trigger of this
transformation is currently unknown. What is known is that Unit 02
violated the laws of conservation of energy and mass by doing so, and
restored itself to 100% combat capacity in the process. The estimated
rate of this transformation is approximated at 18000 times faster than
the Third Angel's evolution in response to the N2 mine, and with far
more visibly substantial effects."

"Visual estimates place post-transformation Unit 02 at 63 meters
tall," Makoto reported, manning the keyboard with deft expertise as he
called up a small wireframe display of EVA-02, neatly-dimensioned, at
the top-right corner of the main screen. "Judging from footfall impact
and movement speed, total mass is placed at around 84 metric tons." He
paused, evaluating the data. "The extra armor don't seem to add much
weight at all."

The video footage had progressed to another still shot, this time to
an image of EVA-02, posed forbiddingly between a pair of half-
demolished skyscrapers, except that it now took some effort to
recognize the Evangelion unit for what it was. It retained its
humanoid shape and blood-red armor plating, but now augmented with a
pair of armored vambraces on its forearms that swept back, blade-like,
at the elbows. Similarly-themed white armor shielded its calves
without greatly altering the smooth, streamlined dimensions of
EVA-02's legs, and, at the shoulders, formed a pair of imprecisely
triangular shoulder plates outlined with red stripes. The torso of the
Evangelion, while left largely unchanged, was nonetheless now
augmented by dark gray braces that ran the length across and down
EVA-02's shoulders, affixing to its back what seemed, for the moment,
like a small, flat-looking backpack.

Perhaps the greatest change had been effected to EVA-02's head, the
entirety of which was now encased in a sleekly aerodynamic red-and-
white helmet that concealed the Evangelion's insectoid features from
view. Covering the four eyes was an emerald-green crystalline visor,
vaguely shaped in the angle of a 'V' and sheltered beneath an
overhanging forehead plate, with the rest of its countenance now more
or less hidden behind a metallic faceplate. Combined with the rest of
its new armor, this served to dull EVA-02's image of a ferally hungry
predator, which now looked more like a technological combat machine of
elegant, clinical precision.

The extended moment of silence was broken by Ritsuko saying, "The
unknown is to be henceforth designated as Bogey-1. The investigation
of its nature, technology and abilities will be top priority and
marked as Seraphim clearance by Section 9." She cleared her throat.
"Proceed with the simulation."



"It worked," Shinji breathed incredulously. Then, regaining part of
his mental equilibrium, repeated in a calmer voice: "It worked."

"For the moment, yes," Misao replied uneasily. "And with that, we've
blown the limitation matrices of this sector cleanly out of the

Shinji sounded much more confident. "We'll figure that one out later,"
he said. "The main priority now is to remain undetected by NERV after
this whole fiasco. As it is we'll only remain in this sector long
enough to find the real Shinji – we've wasted enough time as it is."

He was pondering how to best defeat the Angel within the shortest
amount of time and with as little movement as possible to avoid the
risk of Rei's injuries worsening, when the Angel solved that problem
for him by breaking into a headlong, lopsided charge. The ground
trembled beneath the immense impact of the Third Angel's footfalls,
who had its left upper limb extended in readiness to deploy the lance-
like weapon built into its forearm –

– and missed.

To any observers it seemed almost as if the Angel shifted aside to
avoid Unit 02, rather than the other way round. Shinji lashed out with
a brief kick, catching his adversary right above its ankle in mid-
step, sending it crashing off-balance. The Angel toppled forward, its
balance destroyed; and EVA-02 hastened the process by driving a savage
elbow strike into the back of the Angel's head.

The Third Angel crashed violently into the cityscape as Shinji turned
around evenly, surveying his fallen foe. "Teklancer," he commanded.

The inside of the armored vambrace on EVA-02's right forearm snapped
open, revealing a hidden compartment that housed what appeared to be a
polished, metallic, and slightly flattened cylindrical rod. It was
ejected into EVA-02's open right hand, and with a mental command a
field of translucent green light projected from the device in the
shape of a straight, completely flat-edged katana blade. The weapon
hummed as Shinji spun it deftly around in his hand, stalking forward
to meet the Third Angel climbing back to its feet –

"An AT Field," Misao observed.

The Teklancer met with an impenetrable barrier of yellowish energy as
Shinji struck in what otherwise would have been a precisely swift
blow. The blade hung in mid-air, resisted by the Angel's AT Field
despite Shinji's two-handed attempt to force it down. "How do I create
one?" he asked.

It was Rei who answered. "Imagine it," she instructed quietly,
speaking by his ear as she leaned against him. "The Evangelion is
thought controlled. Generating an AT Field is the same."

To Shinji, it sounded as though Rei might as well have told him to wag
a non-existent tail. From what little he knew of the Evangelion units,
he had no problem imagining that it would be as easy as waving an arm;
it was what kind of thought that was needed to command his body to
perform a function it had never performed before that perplexed him.
But even as he dwelt on that train of thought, the Angel's AT Field
faltered. Inch by inch he drove his weapon through the crumbling
defensive barrier, forcing it down until the plasma blade was mere
feet away from Sachiel's 'face' –

The Third Angel's core glowed.

EVA-02 exploded in a conflagration of white-hot flames as the
destructive blast of energy hit and detonated at point-blank range.
For a moment Unit 02 was lost from sight, obscured by the explosion –
and then a beam blade lashed out, slicing off Sachiel's left arm, the
severed limb trailing only minimal amounts of dark blue ichor in its
wake as it flew through the air, the wound cauterized almost instantly
by the intense heat of the sword. EVA-02 emerged grimly from the
flames that engulfed it, unaffected and unscathed, and as the Third
Angel brought its other limb and energy lance to bear against its
adversary, that limb, too, went flying amidst a blindingly-swift flash
of green and trail of blue fluid.

Before the Angel could do anything further, EVA-02 bent down, closing
the palm of its free hand around the Angel's face. Mounted in the palm
of that armored gauntlet was an energy cell, which glowed and hummed
with the unmistakable sound of beam cannons charging themselves up to



"Pause the video," Ritsuko ordered. "Zoom out to point one six

As Shigeru complied, reducing the still image to an aerial birds-eye
view of Tokyo-3, all that could be seen was a blast of white light
that manifested itself as a pillar of energy that engulfed both Unit
02 and the Third Angel in its epicenter. "Bogey-1 displays the ability
to employ a sort of energy weapon, known as the Voltekker," Makoto
reported dutifully, swiftly analyzing the flow of data that the
computers were feeding to his console. "Effective range is unknown.
Analysis concludes that this weapon displays a strength equivalent to
approximately six kilotons of explosive force, and that this force can
somehow be condensed to affect only its local vicinity."

Ritsuko nodded to indicate her pensive approval. "Continue."


Shinji breathed heavily, releasing his grip on his adversary as the
impact of the Voltekker blast cleared.

Superheated air formed mirage-like waves, briefly obscuring Shinji's
view of the Third Angel, which for all intents and purposes was still
alive. While it was true that he had regulated his Voltekker to a
fraction of its full strength and manipulated the blast so that it
worked as a directed bomb instead of a ranged beam, the Angel was –
much to its credit – still in one piece. Its flesh had seemingly
turned semi-liquid now, with small droplets rolling along its limbs
and body. Its lower torso opened, revealing a pair of fish-like gills
that opened and closed rhythmically, almost as if gasping for air.

The Teklancer flashed, and suddenly the tip of its blade was hovering
only feet above Sachiel's face. "Leave," Shinji commanded. "This
battle is over. You've lost." He paused for a moment to recover his
own strained breathing. "I don't want to have to kill you."

"Shinji!" Misao hissed a warning. "Finish him now! He's going to –"

The PET's warning barely registered as the beaten, battered Angel
moved with a speed that caught Shinji completely by surprise. Its
shape changed – liquid-like, the Angel poured over him, reshaping
itself into a sphere attached firmly to EVA-02's upper torso. Shinji
found himself staring at the red orb mounted in Sachiel's chest that
was its core, now pressed right against EVA-02's face, the brief glow
within promising him that something very unpleasant was about to

"– self-destruct," Misao mumbled.

Shinji did the only thing he could think of. Multiple thruster rockets
folded open along the back of EVA-02's calves, forcing the bioroid
into maximum acceleration in the blink of an eye as Shinji crouched
and leapt. The asphalt beneath EVA-02's feet shattered as Shinji
kicked off in hypersonic flight, the propulsion systems driven to
every last drop of output they had to offer. Shinji felt the
tremendous G-forces crush Ayanami's delicate body against his as he
threw all caution to the winds, all while the Angel's core continued
to radiate light with increasing intensity –

"Misao!" Shinji screamed desperately.

"Matter conversion complete," Misao declared. "ATLAS reconfigured to
survival mode. Six seconds to detonation, five –"

It's over, Shinji thought furiously. If Ayanami dies, then this sector
is done for. Driven to savage fortitude by that thought he clicked the
safety belts loose, and, assisted by their weightlessness as EVA-02
reached critical flight velocity and the buoyancy of LCL, he switched
himself and Ayanami around, pressing the blue-haired girl into the
padded pilot's seat, and knelt over her in a protective crouch. He
grabbed Hisame as well, who was apparently suffering from the
temporary inability to breathe from the G-forces, and stuffed the
ermine into his shirt pocket, shielding both it and Ayanami beneath

Ayanami's one good eye stared straightforwardly, guilelessly eye at
him – perhaps in bemusement at his apparent altruism, or chagrin at
the futility of trying to shield her from a literal nuclear bomb with
nothing but his body. He couldn't tell which. "Why?" she asked softly.

"Because this is going to hurt like hell." He winced. "I'm sorry. Hang
on, okay?" He smiled weakly. "But you'll be fine, I promise."

"Two," Misao continued. "One."

Reaching to his left wrist, Shinji snatched a second card from the
deck, and slashed it viciously through his PET. "Gate Access," he
shouted. "Clock Up!"

And then his world turned white, and the last sound he remembered was
his own scream of agony.

Night turned into day as, twenty kilometers in the stratosphere above
Tokyo-3, the entire mass of Sachiel's core firmly attached onto EVA-02
was converted into pure energy in a single instant, exploding with the
force of six hundred megatons of trinitrotoluene. Nearby clouds were
vaporized in a searing wave of nuclear fire. It seemed as though
Tokyo-3 was crushed beneath a gigantic, invisible hammer as the
shockwaves reached the ground – buildings were flattened in the blink
of an eye, their underlying structures compressed into collapse
without enough time to break. The impact was felt all the way three
kilometers underground into Central Dogma – where, five days later, Dr
Akagi Ritsuko would command a re-enactment of the Third Angel's
invasion, witnessing the base form of EVA-02, sans its Tekkaman armor,
fall from the sky, eventually crashing down onto the broken streets of
Tokyo-3, where it lay still.


"Shinji?" Misato knocked on his door.

The boy had been silent for a while, Misato thought. Long enough that
she had finished clearing the debris of beer cans, and dished out Pen-
pen's dinner, all without so much as a squeak from the sable-haired
boy's room – though she thought she had heard some screaming that was
probably her own imagination. "Shinji?" she knocked again. "Are you in

"I – I'm fine!" Shinji yelled back frantically in a strangely muffled
voice. "Don't come in! I'm – er – undressing!"

Misato allowed herself a sneaky grin. "Well, don't take too long!" she
called out cheerily. "Dinner's ready and served."

"Won't be a minute," the voice behind the door gasped a promise.

As Misato retreated down the hallway, humming a tone cheerily to
herself, the occupant on the other side of the door was preoccupied
with staring breathlessly at the female figure standing before him,
jaw slightly agape. "You..." he swallowed. "You're a hologram?"

"As per my programmed directives, I am to assist you in your quest
beyond the Fourth Wall," Misao announced imperiously, her arms
crossed. "As of such, I am hence to inform you of the following
items." She suddenly bent over, so that the tip of her nose was only
inches away from Shinji's, and smiled with a hint of mischievousness.
"And I suggest you pay attention."
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