On Wed, 25 Mar 2015 21:52:54 +0000 (UTC)
Ali KIZIL <aliki...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The update broken the general usage:
> ./ffmpeg -loglevel info -re -i /root/bunny.mp4 -vcodec nvenc -preset
> hp -fflags +genpts -vb 24000k -minrate 24000k -maxrate 24000k
> -bufsize 48000k -muxrate 26000k -cbr 1 -2pass 0 -r 50 -g 100 -pix_fmt
> yuv420p - acodec aac -strict -2 -ac 2 -ar 48000 -ab 256k
> -flush_packets 0 - packetsize 188 -y -f mpegts out.ts
> ./ffmpeg -loglevel info -re -i /root/bunny.mp4 -vcodec nvenc_h265 -
> preset hp -fflags +genpts -vb 24000k -minrate 24000k -maxrate 24000k -
> bufsize 48000k -muxrate 26000k -cbr 1 -2pass 0 -r 50 -g 100 -pix_fmt 
> yuv420p -acodec aac -strict -2 -ac 2 -ar 48000 -ab 256k
> -flush_packets 0 -packetsize 188 -y -f mpegts out.ts
> FFmpeg stucks, does not work for both. 
> Before with nvenc work working fine with above commands. It looks
> like - g parameter, -muxrate, -flush_packtes stuck FFmpeg with this
> update. 
> Below line works:
> ./ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -i /root/bunny.mp4 -vcodec nvenc_h265
> -preset hp -r 50  -y -f mpegts out.ts

Yes - it's because I tried to share the class instance between the two
encoders, which doesn't work. I'm about to push a fix. Thanks for the
heads up.

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