On Sunday, 30 August 2020, 23:21:16 BST, Edward Park 
<kumowoon1...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 > I'm not sure what you are referring to, what's there to spread fud about??
I'm not sure what he's referring to, either, but just be aware you're talking 
mainly to software engineers here and they have a well-deserved reputation for 
being very difficult with, well, more or less anyone who isn't a software 
engineer. Don't be concerned, you haven't done anything wrong. They're like 
this with everyone. It's normal in the world of open source (it's comically bad 
behaviour, but it's normal).
For what it's worth I've noticed problems playing back ffmpeg's prores on 
hardware devices, but it usually seems to work OK in software decoders. If your 
environment has changed in that regard, perhaps by handing off prores decoding 
to a hardware device, that might be an issue that's hard to solve with 
ffmpeg-generated files. I never tried that hard to fix the hardware playback 
issues, but if you really need to, you might try fiddling around with some of 
the commandline parameters you're using, if that's something you have the 
option to do. This may all be old news to you, but the command I use is 
something like this:
ffmpeg -probesize 5000000 -i %INFILE% -c:v prores_ks -profile:v 4 -qscale:v 11 
-vendor ap10 -chunk_duration 500000 -c:a pcm_s16le %OUTFILE%

I honestly can't remember most of what that does but the number after 
"-qscale:v" controls overall bitrate from 1 to 31. Reducing it increases 
bitrate (obviously!) and if you set it very low, it may create files that are 
wildly out of specification that Apple decoders may not like. I have not had 
problems with 11 (again, on software decoders). The "-profile:v" controls what 
sort of prores you're creating, from 0 to 4 or perhaps 1 to 4. I can't remember 
what number means what. The "-chunk_duration" as I recall stops Final Cut 
complaining about unoptimised media, or at least it certainly used to. 
Apparently you don't actually need "-vendor ap10" but it doesn't hurt.
I'm not sure what other command line options might have relevance for ProRes 
but I suspect this might be quite a complicated problem to solve.
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