On 22/01/16 19:17, Stuart Downton wrote:
> I have just tried the -n option however it still seems to overwrite the
> file. I am using the following command to start the recording:

-o + -n should now be fixed in the master branch.

> With regards to the -d option it seems to work with the above command
> however if I change it to:
> fPls -v -i 60m -T 1s -L-1 http://[server]:8000/$stream.m3u -o
> /home/recorder/audio/$stream/test1.mp3.$date -d
> /home/recorder/logs/$stream.log -M 60m -i 60m -n
> I get fIcy: Unknown host
> Doesn't make sense to me as I can see fPls: picks up the stream URL from
> the m3u without any issues. As soon as I remove
> "/home/recorder/logs/$stream.log" it works.

I didn't notice before, but -d doesn't accept an argument, so your file
is picked up as a stream URL.

What would you like to write in the log?
The fPls/fIcy output you normally see in the terminal?

In this case just use regular redirection:

  fPls ... 2>&1 >log

Use 'ts' (from the moreutils package) to add timestamps:

  fPls ... 2>&1 | ts '%F %T' >log

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