All dye based inks fade given the right conditions - time and lighting among
others.  Black tends to go toward the brown ( sometimes the bluish side and
sometimes the greenish side).  Even some users of pigment inks have
complained about the Blacks not being true blacks to begin with a tendency
toward exhibiting the same bluish-brownish-greenish characteristics both
fresh out of the printer and after a few days/weeks/months.

Black dye based inks fade less quickly than the light magenta and light cyan
in 6 color printer and a little less quickly than the full colors of CYM.
Under strong UV light they all fade relatively quickly.

One of the reasons more research information is directed toward color than
black is that straight pure black ink prints generally are a rarity for
images - even black and white images.  It is used primarily for text and
line art in which fading is not as noticeable or important in many cases.
Black & white or grayscale images are typically printed using the color inks
because in the past and even currently the printers and those inks seem to
do a better job printing grayscale images.  Keep in mind here that true
photographic quality has been the standard that inkjet printers attempt to
match - not watercolors, oil paintings, spot color images, etc.  Thus, the
color dye based inks tend to furnish a smoother tonal quality and range for
grayscale images than does the black only ink which comes closer to meeting
the standard.  Thus, the focus on color inks more than black.

A caveat, some of this may not apply to third party inks as much as to OEM

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hart or Mary Jo
Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2001 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: SS4000 and LS-2000 real value?

Thanks for the quick reply!

What's the fade resistance, do you suppose?  I somehow have assumed that
black ink generally lasts longer than the various colors but most info about
longevity is focused on colors.

Hart Corbett

>From: "Rob Geraghty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: filmscanners: SS4000 and LS-2000 real value?
>Date: Fri, Jan 26, 2001, 5:46 AM

> "Hart or Mary Jo Corbett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> (1)  My question pertains to B&W archival printing; apparently, the 2000P
>> can't even do that.  Is there any printer out there which can at fairly
> high
>> res?  I'm used to sharp prints.  [Prints not to exceed 8X10]
> You might want to look at an Epson 760 (I'd have said 1160 except you
> said no larger than 8x10) with the Cone Piezography system.  The 760
> seems unbelievably cheap at the moment in the USA so it would probably
> be worth a try.
> Rob

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