on 1/29/01 2:21 PM, Michael Wilkinson at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> If you really want good value for money allied to something which will
> last a decade you have to look at what you want from the product.
> ....buy it at the right price and you are set for
> the next Decade
> Make no mistake about it.
> if a scanner is doing a good job now the chances are that only a real
> expert will be able to see a difference in your final output in 10 years
> time.
Very daring of you to make a 10-yr forecast about anything digital.

Here's my forecast:  35mm film will be rarely used, except for very
specialized applications, since digital will take over that market.  Digital
SLRs will be as affordable as the Pentax XZ-5n.  The scanners will still be
around, though, since there are so many old images on film.  But the ones we
are buying today will definitely be in the landfill.


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