What color spaces is best to choose for the following purposes:
- printed material, for example a magazine or a photographic book
- stock photography (image bank)
- inkjet
I want to scan my images in the most appropriate color space for the purpose
but don't want to use some exotic ones. I'd prefer to stick to widely used
color spaces (but which ones?)
I'm thinking of a small private image bank with my photographs so that I can
sell a licence to use my images in different publications easily. Apart from
the color space, I'd also like to know whether I should perform sharpening,
although it should be the last stage in image processing and whether grain
suppression is advisable (I can hear people moaning about lack of sharpness
and big grain in images from 4000dpi scanners - they don't realize they are
looking at very big pictures on their monitors).


Tomasz Zakrzewski

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