>"Tomek Zakrzewski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked:
>"What color spaces is best to choose for the following purposes:
>- printed material, for example a magazine or a photographic book
>- stock photography (image bank)
>- inkjet
>and "Maris V. Lidaka Sr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> suggested:
>"I also would suggest Adobe RGB.  I would not sharpen the images yet -
>sharpen when you are ready to print on inkjet or to send to the
>publisher, as your sharpening amount will probably be different.  Some
>publishers will
>do the sharpening themselves AFAIK."
>Maris has excellent advice. For a fuller story, try a Googlesearch for:
>("color space" RGB colormatch sRGB Adobe) and you will get lot's of
>informative links.
>One pre-press expert in my area recommends ColorMatchRGB instead of
>Adobe98 for pre-press work. Is this a Mac vs. PC thing?
>Preston Earle

I was at a recent event with industry experts and one gentleman who
is highly respected in the area uses Colormatch RGB because of the
large number of files created in Photoshop 4.0.

Also, if a file is given to a non-color  managed company, the
Colormatch RGB image will survive a stripped out profile better in
general because it closely resembles the Mac monitor space.  The
sacrifice is that bright blues and greens will be sacrificed a bit.,
which probably doesn't matter for offset printing, but might matter
when outputting to a Lightjet or other continuous tone process.

All the best!

-Andrew Darlow

Photography, Digital Print Consulting and Custom Editions
Andrew Darlow Images International, NYC - www.andydarlow.com
Author: Inkjet Tip of the Month Club (newsletter)
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