
Go into MIDI Setup again. For Channels 9-16 (GPO #2), Hold down the shift
key while clicking on the pop-up for Channels 1-16 and choose GPO Studio:2.
Now, the pop-up should show you GPO studio:1,  GPO Studio 2.
You can choose up to 4 instruments per channel set. For the life of me
(before coffee anyways) I canšt remember how to get channels 17+. Another
good resource for GPO is their user forum (Gary Garritan frequently
contributes and is an all around great guy.)

Hope this helps,


On 10/8/04 4:04 PM, "gj.berg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Howdy
> Thanx all.  Speaker was not off. Done that Vincent.  FIN 2005 - well no sooner
> said than done.  I ordered it yesterday and it arrived not 5 minutes after
> reading Darcy's note -- cross border and all ---very impressive.
> Good to know about HP Allen.  I will try Mac support next.
> I now have sound from No. 1 kontakt player but can't get #2 on up to sound.
> It may have to do with proper channel assignment but I can't figure where I've
> gone wrong. Still trying for midi channel 9.  For some reason when I play Midi
> 9 Instance #2 solo I can still see midi 8 Instance #1 playing on its keyboard
> One more thing is I can't find numeral equivalents for channels 17-64 in the
> midi assignment flip down menu on GPO.  Now I imagine there is something
> automatic to flip  but I can't see what it is.
> Any feedback is appreciated but otherwise I'll flip to Mac support.
> Jerry  
> Allen Fisher wrote:
>> Not quite correct. Support for the way GPO creates volume changes was added
>> to Human Playback in Finale 2005. In 2k4, you can still use GPO, just HP
>> will not interpret the volume controller correctly. There's a fair number of
>> Finale users that use 2k4 with GPO.
>> Gerald--A couple of our tech support guys is really hip to GPO. You should
>> drop macsupport a line if my suggestions don't fix it.
>> 1. Make sure Internal Speaker Playback is OFF.
>> 2. Make sure you have the GPO STUDIO application installed. You can download
>> the latest version at <>  (sounds
>> like you've done this)
>> 3. Make sure that the channels match in the instrument list to what you've
>> selected in GPO (sounds like you've done this, too)
>> 4. Did you choose channels in the GPO studio?
>> These are the most common things I've run into when GPO isn't working
>> On 10/8/04 12:40 PM, "Darcy James Argue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
>>> Hi Gerald,
>>> As far as I know, GPO compatibility was a new feature added to Finale
>>> *2005*.  So that might be your first problem.
>>> - Darcy
>>> -----
>>> Brooklyn, NY
>>> On 08 Oct 2004, at 01:39 PM, gj.berg wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Well I'm very confused.  I'm trying to test my new computer to see if
>>>> it can play a score of mine via the GPO orchestra.
>>>> 1.) I boot the GPO studio and set up an 'instance' (which the kontakt
>>>> virtual keyboard allows me to hear).
>>>> 2.) I boot Fin 2004 and load my score.  In the midi set up (in FIN)
>>>> under 'Core Midi' I organize play output for the first 4 GPO players.
>>>> Input is none.
>>>> 3.) I set up the correct midi channels in the 'instrument list'
>>>> window. Patch stuff is turned off.
>>>> 4.)  I hit playback.
>>>> It comes out chaos. But I notice that if I set the GM portion to the
>>>> corresponding instrument it will play that.  Only it doesn't sound
>>>> like the GPO sound.  It's some other sound.  Where'd it come from?
>>>> I've never used the GM side of things -- I'd prefer to keep it that
>>>> way. Finale help is most unhelpful in this regard.
>>>> Could somebody please point me in the right direction.
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>> Gerald Berg
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