--- Bob Florence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All:
> I recieve so many e mails from the address listed above. I have met 
> quite a few of you. However, I would love to know a little background 
> of each and all of you. 

Are you a musician? 

Yes. I played clarinet all through school 6th-12th grade in Starkville,
Mississppi and undergraduate college for four years at Mississippi State
University. I continued to play clarinet in graduate school (on the side) at
Univ. of Tennessee Memphis where several professors played as well. At various
times while I was there including Christmastime, we would work up several
selections for a wind ensembale.

I officially took 2 1/2 years of piano lessons during my undergraduate years
but have been fooling around with the piano/synth since 5th/6th grade. I
continue to play piano (teaching myself, playing along with other music)
especially at church where I play piano and my synthesizer--at times primarily,
and others secondarily.

I started messing around with the acoustic guitar in my undergraduate years and
later, but after the mid-90s, everyone got tired of me "borrowing" their guitar
and told me to get my own.. And so I did in '97 and have taught myself
everything (what little that is *grin*) on my own. And it looks like I will be
delving into the electric guitar realm here very shortly.. maybe even this
I play the guitar mainly at church and with friends and along with CDs. I would
really like to make time to take some lessons. But life gets in the way.

I have been playing the penny whistle for the last 2-3 years as well at church
and other places (such a selection of instruments for a Baptist church).

Are you active? 


Are you retired? 

No. My work is non-music related (I am an engineer), other than having a music
CD playing nearly all the time at my desk.

Where are you from and where are you residing now?

I am from Starkville, Mississippi although I was born in Alabama, but now
reside in Memphis, Tennessee.

What kind of music do you specialize in? 

Gospel/hymns/contemporary Christian. Clarinet-wise...whatever was or is thrown
to me--I especially like Mozart, Beethoven, and Crussell.

Are you an instrumentalist, 

See above.

composer/arranger/copiest, teacher, etc.?

I have been composing music since the 8th grade (started with writing clarinet
ensembles). In high school (before the days of Finale or anything computerized
('86-'89) I helped arrange and copy music for concert band. One big project I
undertook is that I copied/created full concert band orchestration from copies
of copies of copies of individual parts and 2 differing (neither complete)
scores... of 'Jesus Christ Superstar'.. by pencil, then by pen and ink and
ruler. That was fun :) It paid my way for our senior year concert trip that
year. Boy, Finale woulda been nice back then.

If not a musician, what is your occupation?


Charles Evans

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