Eric wrote:

> Yeah, the demo that Sibelius has, it looks like you can change 
> notes, dynamics and page layouts. But what about all the other 
> stuff? Text blocks? Different fonts? Slurs? articulations? Can you 
> move these around?

I got tired of reading all this stuff here today and not being able to join in, 
so I downloaded the demo to try it out.  I opened up one of the examples they 
supply with the demo, and was quickly able to work out how this all works.  
After an hour's playing, here's what I know.

It looks like, if you drag something in the score, it moves in the parts, but 
if you move it in the parts, it won't move in the score.  So, say you have an 
expression marking by a horn note that collides with a low note in a concert 
score, when you look at the transposed part, you can drag that note up to be 
nearer the note (which is now a 5th higher) and it won't move in the score, 
plus it goes a different color to show you what's happened.

Slurs and ties appear to be independent, too, e.g. you can drag a slur or flip 
the curve of a tie in the part and it won't affect the score, which is great 
for those transposed parts.  Articulations (things like staccatos and marcatos) 
look like they have to be the same side of the note in the part as they are in 
the score, and it's the same with things like respelling the note: when I tried 
to respell a note in the part, it changed in the score, too.

Text was a bit funky, but I worked it out.  Looks like every kind of text can 
have a different size in the score in the parts, so you can have a bigger title 
in the score relative to the size of the staff than you would in the parts.  
Looks like you can also have a different default position of each kind of text 
in the score and parts if you want, so if you want expressions above the staff 
in the score but below in the part, you can do that (not sure why you'd want 
to, but you can!).

I have to say that it looks really, really easy.  The demo's crippled, as you 
might expect, but I tried clicking Print All Parts in the File menu, and it 
just spooled out the first page of each part, without me having to do anything. 
 It's easy to switch between the part and the score (just choose it from the 
menu, or hit a key), and it's fast on my computer, too!

I don't know how you guys feel about this, but my gut is that MakeMusic! will 
have to add this feature now, just to stay competitive with Sibelius.  It must 
be galling for them to have Sibelius announce a new version about a week after 
they do, and for people on this listserve to spend more time talking about the 
new Sibelius than Finale 2k6!


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