I hear you guys. But, God, the thought of dealing with a new computer is such a hassle, aside from any monetary burdens. With my limited knowledge of technology, it takes me forever to get everything hooked up and running every time I change. One other issue, if I do load the MacFin 06 on my iMac, and then get really ticked that it is struggling so much I can't stand it, and do get a new computer, will the application let me load it again on the new machine ... or do restrictions apply? And, when we say the 2006 will struggle, are we talking super slow action, refusal of GPO's instruments to play, or what? I'll try and stop whining now ....


On Jul 27, 2005, at 5:59 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

On 27 Jul 2005, at 8:41 PM, Eric Dannewitz wrote:

Yeah, it probably will load, but you'd be lucky to get 1 or 2 instruments to run.

Honestly, GPO sounds great, but I'd suggest investing in a separate computer for it. Like go out, get a Pentium 4 machine, windows, and a good sound card. And slave it to your Mac Midi setup ;-)

That is REALLY no longer necessary with Fin2k6. The Audio Units plugin version of GPO is worlds better than GPO studio.

That said, a 600 MHz G3 is still going to struggle -- but that's a 5-year old computer at this point! Time for Dean to upgrade.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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As a newly diagnosed diabetic, self denial is now my ally, exercise my master.

Dean M. Estabrook

Retired Church Musician
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Amateur Golfer

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