On Mon, August 21, 2006 9:43 pm, keith helgesen wrote:
> Please- someone take pity!
> I am trying to purchase a replacement copy of Lawrence of Arabia by
> Maurice
> Jarre, arr Alfred Reed. For Concert Band.
> If I cannot purchase a new copy, then from who or where do I obtain
> permission to re-notate this chart for my use only - Finale of course.
> Please- I know I’m wimping out, but- I’ve been “told try this- or that”
> and
> none have worked.

The best place to start would be to find a book that contains something
like "The Theme From Lawrence of Arabia" or such, and find that copyright
holder (the tune, not the book) and try to contact them.

Maurice Jarre or the film production company likely own the copyright, not
Gower Publishing, which would only have obtained a license to publish the
Reed arrangement for concert band, and they would have no legal authority
to issue any further permissions beyond issuing you replacement parts.

In the U.S., derivative works are all still protected by the original
work's copyright as long as the copyright is still in effect.

Another possibility might be to contact Masters Music Publications, which
publishes a couple of works of Dr. Reed's.  They may be able to point you
to the proper source.

Still another possibility would be to join [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
ask Clint Neiweg, former librarian for the Philadelphia Orchestra.  He is
very knowledgeable about tracking down such obscure information on

Finally, taking the "as long as nobody knows I'm probably alright"
approach -- as long as your band owns a copy and as long as you have tried
in good faith to find the proper channels to obtain either replacement
parts or permission, go ahead and do it.  It's the same sort of risk we
take every time we drive over the speed limit -- even with increasing
fines for speeding, everybody does it all the time (including the cops
even when they're not on official business with their lights flashing).

But print out things like your original message to this list and any/all
other on-line inquiries you make so that you can demonstrate that you've
made a good-faith effort to do the right thing.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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