Nowdays, you can get electrical tape in a variety of colors. Not that I know why.

However, I've found that they're great for tagging microphone cables going into a mixer. I just put the same combination of colors on each end of the cable, and I then know which mic is plugged into which jack/plug.

Also, newer electrical tape tends to be less gooey than the old stuff.

Robert Patterson wrote:
The expensive tape you get from VPC binding is similar to surgical tape. The
only electrical tape I know about is black and sticky: hardly a candidate
for taping parts. What you are using is obviously different.

On 2/8/07, shirling & neueweise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

recently i had to prepare a set of orchestral parts and although i
normally get my parts printed and taped at the canadian music centre,
i on a tight schedule and did it myself this time.  the only thing i
could find - even in specialty art and paper shops - was normal
electrical tape (white).

i know the CMC uses a special tape for parts - and special tape has
been discussed on the list before - but does anyone have any
experience using electrical tape?  how does it hold up over time?

it was quite nice to work with actually, was easy to remove when it
went on wrong and seems quite sturdy.

it is also WAAAAAAAY cheap.


shirling & neueweise ... new music publishers
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