I don't normally have very complex files to proof. I, too, find that I have a very short "proofing-attention-span". In addition to taking frequent breaks in the proofing process, I have several ways of proofing: by musical line (horizontally), by measure (vertically), by element type (notes, articulations, dynamics, slurs), by phrase, etc. Each time I look at the piece, I use a different method.

I look forward to see all the other ideas. Just yesterday, I printed up a short choral work only to find after I had stapled the whole mess that I had a mistake on one measure. Fortunately, it was a short run, but I had to redo the whole thing.

Kim Patrick Clow wrote:
Hi everyone:

I'm curious about how members of the list handle proofing of your
files. I find that when I do this, my mind really beings to wander
about 20 minutes into doing this. I typically check files at least
four times, and I still find mistakes.

I know that the big boys such as Barenreiter must have a whole set of
proofers on staff when they check files, but I obviously don't have
their budgets. While I am more forgiving of myself for a wrong
editorial decision, allowing wrong notes into my score simply because
I failed to catch them during a proofing process just drives me nuts.

Thanks so much.
Kim Patrick Clow
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