At 5/24/2007 08:33 PM, Andrew Stiller wrote:

>On May 24, 2007, at 6:36 PM, keith helgesen wrote:
>> I guess they made a ton of cash from gullible
>> people! Wish I'd thought of it.
>Cage, like Copland,  was a gay man  who lived largely upon the income
>of his partners.
>I said this before (RE Copland) but apparently it didn't get through:
>classical composition, like poetry, is not at all remunerative,
>especially in America. One can become very famous indeed and still be
>scrabbling for every penny.

Especially if the stuff is totally off the wall.

I would compare it to those artists who throw paint against canvas.

ie. totally useless.

Phil Daley          < AutoDesk >

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