On Jun 3, 2007, at 5:08 PM, Gerry Kirk wrote:

Hi Finale Gurus:

Anyone else experiencing the following aberration when using the Expression Tool in Mac-07? I create an expression (such as a rehearsal number, or cresc.) and place it in my score, and it "jumps" to a location other than where I have pointed. It is sometimes misplaced as much as one staff, or one measure.

I then delete it, and re-place it, and it is fine.

Hmm, nope, I never have had this happen.

I HAVE had a few unexpected things happen with placement between parts and score, but that was because of my lack of comprehension about how linked expressions work, not any fault of the program. That isn't what you are referring to, are you?

In fact, with the exception of shape expressions not showing their handles properly, and not being able to centre-justify text, the expression tool is one of the tools that really works well and consistently for me.

Actually, one thing DOES come to mind. Have you set a measure not to be included in measure numbering? This, in conjunction with offset measure regions, causes odd things to happen with measures, like two measures get a double bar instead of just the one you clicked on. I suggest that you NEVER unclick the "include in measure numbering" box until they fix it.


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