On Wed Jun 20 21:00:48 CDT 2007, Christopher Smith wrote:

 You are right of course, that nobody wants to sacrifice the
versatility of the notation that Finale offers for sequencing
features, BUT...

("everyone has a big BUT" Pee Wee Herman)

Finale COULD do much better transcribing MIDI files. Cubase Score
(and even Cubase non-score version!), CakeWalk and Digital Performer
all do WAY better than Finale's defaults at transcribing MIDI files
into notation. I have no experience with Logic, but it wouldn't
surprise me either.

I am just talking about getting the lengths of notes right, guessing
tuplets, ignoring small variants in performance, assigning voices to
different staves or stems, you know, all the stuff that gives you
headaches when trying to import a MIDI file.

And before anyone gets started on MIDI files not being notation and
so has no real place in a notation program, well, there are a whole
cartload of MIDI transcriptionists who spend a large part of their
day getting MIDI files from composers and turning them into notation
to be read by live musicians. This is one of the very important
professional functions of a modern notation program, and Finale could
do WAY better with it.


EXTREMELY well said, Christopher-

Also its not like anyone is asking FInale to do something other than what it claims, or advertises it can do:


   "  Enter music your preferred way
Play notes in via a MIDI keyboard, brass or woodwind instrument, or import MIDI files. Use Simple Note Entry or SmartScore® Lite Scanning.

Everything in Finale is built to support your creative process. More options and an intuitive interface give you complete creative control of your music."

Peace, Bob Morabito


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