Thanks for your detailed reply, Darcy. Sadly, I DID spend quite a bit of time with the manual when I started using 2k8, but obviously either not enough time or not recently enough for me to have remembered that particular point.

I always find it tricky to strike a balance between a) approaching each new version as if it were brand new and trying to find and learn everything about it that is either unfamiliar or changed, and b) assuming that much of what I know from years of experience with the program will still be useful and relevant. I'm fine with the idea that a certain number of familiar habits and routines often have to be relearned to accommodate changes in the user interface, and I'm the first to admit that if it's in plain sight - i.e., in the manual - it's up to me to find it and absorb it. This, unfortunately, was a case where I had in fact found it once, but evidently didn't absorb it.

I don't know what I find more frustrating, though - the fact that I didn't consult the manual when this happened to me, or the fact that the tech support person I spoke with offered nothing remotely similar to Darcy's explanation and basically provided a workaround, despite my having described the problem to him exactly as I did here. But I realize that's REALLY another topic . . .


On Apr 21, 2008, at 6:33 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

As I always remind people when this topic comes up: it is really in your best interest to Read The Finale Manual, specifically the chapter on linked parts, which is very informative and well- written. I cannot recommend this enough. Linked parts are complicated and difficult to figure out on your own, but if you just take five minutes to read the relevant chapter, I guarantee that everything will make much more sense.


- Darcy

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