On 2/12/2009 7:31 PM, Katherine Hoover wrote:
        1. In Finale 2000 and before, I could hit say a quarter note with
the 4 key (on  a Mac) and it would turn into an 8th.

        My Finale 2004 will not do this.  I have to erase and do over.  Is
there a way to reset this?

You don't say what entry method you're using. And I no longer have 2004 around, but in 2007 and later this still works in Speedy Entry.

        2. The program automatically fills in a measure, that I have not
necessarily finished, with rests.  I am told there is a way to reset
this.  Will I find it under options?

Depending on what entry method you're using, look at Simple | Options or Speedy | Options. Uncheck 'Fill with rests at end of measure'.

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