1. In the Speedy menu, remove the check mark by "Insert notes or rests".

2. In Speedy Options (under Speedy menu), remove the check mark by "Fill with Rests at End of Measure"


On 13 Feb 2009, at 01:31, Katherine Hoover wrote:

Dear Finalelist,

        I still need answers to the following.

        1. In Finale 2000 and before, I could hit say a quarter note with
the 4 key (on  a Mac) and it would turn into an 8th.

        My Finale 2004 will not do this.  I have to erase and do over.  Is
there a way to reset this?

        2. The program automatically fills in a measure, that I have not
necessarily finished, with rests.  I am told there is a way to reset
this.  Will I find it under options?

        Thanks for the help -
        Katherine Hoover

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