This is happening on all my 2010 projects and it is driving me nuts. It never happened at 2009 but a collaborator has started using 2010, so I must use the same. It is worst when playing back an individual part by doing ctrl-spacebar while flying the mouse over the notes in question. Any rumors when they'll be putting out patches for 2010? I'm not sure how long I can take that. it is REALLY annoying. I've had to do the all-notes-off command 20 times this evening already.

Christopher Smith wrote:
I can't help you with the problem, except that maybe you have created an expression, or something with the MIDI tool, that sends a sustain pedal ON message without ever sending the off message. Did you take a pedal articulation and change it to something else without checking the playback? That has got me more than once.

However, next time you have sounding notes hanging over, use the All Notes Off command from the MIDI/Audio menu. Then you won't have to quit. I have to do this sometimes when I accidentally hold a key down during Speedy Entry and change staves.


On Aug 13, 2009, at 10:14 AM, Rudy Lupinski wrote:

Sorry, I had already sent the following, but I used my other e-mail address which isn't on your subscribers' list. I'm sending it again with the correct e-mail.

I am using Finale 2010 on my MacBook Pro, running OS 10.5.8. I’ve just encountered a weird problem with one of my files when I try to play it back. All the sounds keep holding after they have been played and doesn’t quit sounding even when I stop the playback. I literately have to close the file to get it to quit sounding.

I have it playing through Garritan instruments. I tried using general midi sounds and it does the same thing. It doesn’t do this with my other Finale files. Somehow I must have changed something in the human playback settings, but I can’t seem to figure out what it is. I’ve tried setting the human playback to NONE, but it does the same.

This file did NOT have this problem before. The only thing I have done is I started messing with Hyperscribe on a completely different file and I updated my OS to 10.5.8.

Like I said before, none of my files have been effected. They all playback normally.

My last resort is to copy everything and paste the music into a new file. I don’t want to do this yet until maybe someone may know how to solve this problem.

Rudy Lupinski

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