If I remember rightly, I just did a copy and paste. I had already set up the correct time signatures in the new file. If you import one of the measures such as you posted into a standard default file with copy/paste, is the spacing problem still there?


On 21 Feb 2010, at 16:31, dc wrote:

Florence + Michael écrit:
I don't think removing changes with special tools will help, since
the beat charts are irregular in the examples Dennis gave.

I had this problem with a file I was sent. I made a new empty
template and imported the music from the original file into it: that
did the trick.

I tried that also. But how did you import the music?

I didn't send the file to tech support: maybe you should try that.

I will when I hear back from the guy who sent me these files. Perhaps he has some clue as to what he did.


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