Oh boy. I hope this won't get ugly, because we all need a lot of good will 
between Finale users and MakeMusic.

Justin, you might not realize it, but you just pored gas over a burning fire.

If any group has reported the bugs, lobbied for specific improvements, 
meticulously examined the demos, used the web forms, and emailed their contacts 
at MakeMusic, more than people on this list, I would be very surprised.

Too often, our expert opinions have been denied, not taken seriously, or deemed 
too specialized for the wider customer base. You would be surprised at how 
often our bug reports have been met with the response that no one else has 
reported the problem and that they can't duplicate the issue. When we report 
the same thing here (on the list), then we see how many others are going 
through the same thing and sometimes we find workarounds. We report those 
workarounds back to MakeMusic and they still remain a secret. And they mostly 
don't fixed in the next version.

Have you seen those recent Domino Pizza commercials? "Yes, we know our crust 
tastes like cardboard and the sauce like ketchup. So now we are doing something 
about it." Well, apart from the fact that it took Domino 30 years to figure 
that out, you do have to commend their honesty. The problem? It still tastes 
like crap.

We've been here before, Justin. The problem is bigger than you think and it 
might be outside your power to do anything about it.

But we do wish you luck and will try to help you whenever possible!

-Randolph Peters

Phillips, Justin wrote:
> [snip] As you know, unfortunately some problems do get introduced into newer 
> versions of the software that are not caught during our testing and beta 
> process.  When you encounter an issue, I highly recommend reporting it 
> immediately via the case system I posted a link to before, or via our 
> technical support line.  Our agents report these issues and I verify then log 
> them for our development team to review.  In addition, if an old problem 
> continues to appear for you in a newer version, I highly suggest doing the 
> same.  This will create higher visibility for the problem and we can try to 
> tackle it for a maintenance release/new version.
> If you're curious about potential/old issues in a newer version, spending a 
> few minutes with the demo version may clear up any concerns.  In addition, 
> our support staff is always available to field any questions about unresolved 
> issues or for information on any new problems that may have been introduced 
> with the release.
> Justin Phillips
> Notation Product Specialist
> MakeMusic, Inc.

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