I find it interesting that the description of the Mult-user feature 
sounds like MakeMusic may have gotten it WRONG.

Vista/Win7 have a major departure for where application-specific data 
(as opposed to user-specific data) is to be stored. To understand 
that, you have to distinguish 3 types of files:

1. application files -- not data, are read-only. Same data used by 

2. application configuration files -- data, but for storing data that 
the app uses when it runs. Needs to be stored per user, since 
different users have different app configurations. Read/write for the 

3. user data files -- data that belongs to a user, and is the data 
files for the application. Read/write for the user.

Before Vista/Win7, #1 was stored in C:\Program Files and the other 
two were stored in the user profile. Under the user profile there 
were two filders, Application Data and Local Settings, the purpose of 
which were not always clear, and that were used differently by 
different application developers. To further confuse things, under 
Local Settings, there's an Application Data folder.

These folders were actually original an effort to separate out 
different kinds of data used by the applications, but the guidelines 
for it were never quite clear, and a lot of developers got this 

Add to this the fact that way too many standalone Windows users were 
running in an administrative logon, and it was possible to get away 
with putting all the read/write data in the application folder (by 
default, C:\Program Files), which for regular user-level logons is 
read-only (and has been since Windows 2000, released in 1999). In 
fact, major software suppliers like Intuit have been writing their 
flagship applications based on the assumption of write access to 
C:\Program Files such that any user trying to run with user-level 
permissions only will have problems (QuickBooks requires at least 
Power User permissions, for instance).

Vista changed that with User Access Control (UAC).

UAC works kind of like most other OS's by running all apps by default 
with a user-level security token, and asking the user for permission 
when the app wants to do something that requires more than user-level 
permission. Vista's implementation of UAC was very "noisy," i.e., it 
asked for way too many approvals and caused many people to turn it 
off (so you'd be running with a security token that was equivalent to 
the highest-level security group the user logon was a member of). 
Win7 has fixed most of that by being much more sensible about what it 
prompts about.

Now, in addition to UAC, MS revised the permissions on the 
application data folders under the user profile. Before Vista, those 
folders were all read/write for users (since they were in the user's 
profile), but with Vista, this was changed so that AppData was read-
only for users. 

Vista/Win7 added another wrinkle by reorganizing data. To quote MS's 
documentation (http://tinyurl.com/yccs3c => 

     Windows Vista also has changed the Application Data folder
     structure. Previous user profiles did not logically sort data
     stored in the Application Data folder, making it difficult to
     distinguish data that belonged to the machine from data belonging
     to the user. Windows Vista addresses this issue by creating a
     single AppData folder under the user profile. The AppData folder
     contains three subfolders: Roaming, Local, and LocalLow. 

     Windows uses the Local and LocalLow folders for application data
     that does not roam with the user. Usually this data is either
     machine specific or too large to roam. The AppData\Local folder in
     Windows Vista is the same as the Documents and
     Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data folder in Windows

     Windows uses the Roaming folder for application specific data, such
     as custom dictionaries, which are machine independent and should
     roam with the user profile. The AppData\Roaming folder in Windows
     Vista is the same as the Documents and
     Settings\username\Application Data folder in Windows XP. 

(this explanation also clarifies the distinction between \Application 
Data\ and \Local Settings\Application Data\)

Thus, the fact that Jari reports that Finale has been changed to 
store Finale-specific settings in \Application Data\MakeMusic\ shows 
that either Jari is mistaken, or that MakeMusic has not fully 
absorbed the implications of Vista/Win7.

Of course, it could be that what Jari reports is just shorthand, and 
that's the 
location for the data on WinXP and earlier, and it's stored in the 
appropriate location on Vista/Win7, but I worry that there's no 
apparent distinction between the two types of application-specific 
data (i.e., specific to computer vs. specific to user). This may be 
because Finale is not used too much in a domain environment where 
users have roaming profiles, but it worries me that MM may still be 
just barely adapting to security structures introduced 11 years, as 
opposed to the security model used by Vista/Win7.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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